CRC-FLOOD RESPONSE OPERATION 16th RDMC meeting 6-8 June 2012, Singapore 1
FLOOD BACKGROUND As of 23 November, 18 provinces affected( By NCM ) : 1- 247 confirmed dead 2- 354.217 families =2.000.000 peoples Confirmed by NCDM and local authority in various locations that it is worse than flood 2000 for the fact that: Cause by both Mekong river, heavy rainfall Longer duration of flood In some locations, water level is higher than flood 2000. 2
FLOOD OPERATION 1- What went well?. - Early warning System and sharing was an efficiency work. Emergency Operation was timely operated Resources and Human Resources Mobilization were mobilized timely. Red Cross Volunteers, Red Cross Youth were an excellent services providers. Geography mapping were determined in advance. 3
FLOOD OPERATION Vulnerability mapping were known by local Authority. Resources mapping and contingency plan in place o some Branches. NCDM and it Sub- National level were well coordinate and be prepared in delivering essential services 4
FLOOD OPERATION 2- what challenges faced? Which might consider: Reporting template centralized focal point and line of communication, Decision making Line Procedure of Information sharing to external Partner and stakeholders. Procedure of Request to External for Assistance (Fund or Human Resources. 5
FLOOD OPERATION 3- How CRC deal with beneficiaries; media; other stakeholders and government: A- Beneficiary: Explanation clearly on the Objective of Emergency Operation What Category of Beneficiary will be as Beneficiary target Participatory beneficiary selection Criteria of beneficiary selection need to be published before and during the registration, excepted for Emergency phase. Complaints desks need to be established for the continuation relief operation.
FLOOD OPERATION 3- How CRC deal with beneficiaries; media; other stakeholders and government: B- Media: Normally, all media Agency are always promoting the Humanitarian relief. They are always approaching to CRC for having data information to disseminate and publish. All information that stated in Beneficiary condition must be understandable by all media agency and it staffs. All information collected and covered must be well and texted, disseminated and published. Through media, Donors came to CRC for donation: cash, kinds or they may organize their own relief distribution based on the information published by media.
FLOOD OPERATION c. How CRC involve private sector (if any) during the operation. Normally; CRC has it Fundraising Sub- committee. Receiving donation desks was establish at NHQ and at Branches as well as at local level. TV stations organized directed donation Receiving desks. Direct thanks published from the receiving session. All News papers recorded all Donors names, Companies with amount of cash or kinds and published. Reporting must be launched through media to Donors, Companies and all partners/ stakeholders. 8
(Capacity building in a relief environment) FLOOD OPERATION There were 2 flood operation: DREF Relief Assistance for flood affected community in Cambodia. Project cost: Euro 860,583.88 (USD 1,158,230) Donor: ECHO Timeframe: 6 month (December 2011 to May 2012). Province: Prey Veng, Kg. Thom, Kg. Cham & Kandal Beneficiaries: 9900 families Expected Results: Food Assistance (Provide 150 kilograms of rice for each family) 2. Support to Special Operations (Capacity building in a relief environment) 9
- Good practice LESSONS LEARNED Strong support from Royal government of Cambodia and good coordination with NCDM To date, 5 branches have set up its branch response team. The team has played important role in supporting this operation. In Kg. Thom head of branch committee and branch director strongly appreciate the performance of this team. 10 10
- Good practice LESSONS LEARNED More focused criteria developed for beneficiary selection; Done in a transparent, participatory and step-wise approach; assessment (secondary data review and mapping) physical validation registration Mitigates against biases and complaints from the local population; Registration done for each target family; CRC logistics unit provided excellent support to the operations; CRC given the lead role in the operation; Focus on capacity building in a relief environment; 11 11
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LESSONS LEARNED - Good practice 14 14
- Good practice LESSONS LEARNED Branch were part of the overall process from site selection to distribution; Massive mobilization of Branch volunteers from RC youth to DRTs to leadership and governance; Branch was responsible for the smooth coordination with the local government units and other stakeholders at provincial level. Video footages of rice distributions were broadcasted in the national TV channel. Mobilization of RC youth and volunteers promotes RC activities. 15 15
Federation, PNSs, and other potential partners CRC’s REPORTING LINE and System ( EoC) CRC HQ Branch After the 2011 flood Emergency Operation, CRC/DRC established the EoC (Emergency Operation Center) and train staffs to implement. Sub-branch Federation, PNSs, and other potential partners Media Disaster site 16 16
- Constraints LESSONS LEARNED All issues stated above were not 100% clear to different levels and amongst operators. Issue of different figures – CRC respects the government figure, but CRC will verify when it comes to CRC relief assistance while situation develops consecutively. Human resource availability especially at DMD. Due to this factor also that sometime CRC was not able to send its representative to some coordination meetings. 17 17
- Constraints LESSONS LEARNED In some places, Red Cross Youth were involved, but they did not have technical skill to do the job. While some branches were able to conduct need assessment before providing assistance, this is still a gap in some other branch . 18 18
FLOOD OPERATION b. How CRC maximized existing tools (NDRT; SoP; CPs) to support the operation and CRC’s M&E process To date, 5 branches have set up its branch response team. The team has played important role in supporting this operation. In Kg. Thom head of branch committee and branch director strongly appreciate the performance of this team. CRC-DRT/SBDRT member have to be multiplied at all of Branches where usually affected by both (natural/ man maid disasters). ICRC committed to provide fund to do this from 2012. 19