Dennis Keith Rodman
A retired American Hall of Fame professional basketball player A retired American Hall of Fame professional basketball player. He was known for his fierce defensive and rebounding abilities. Rodman experienced an unhappy childhood and was shy and introverted in his early years. He reinvented himself as a "bad boy" and became notorious for numerous controversial antics on and off the court. He dyed his hair in artificial colors, had many piercings and tattoos, and regularly disrupted games by clashing with opposing players and officials. He famously wore a wedding dress to promote his 1996 autobiography Bad As I Wanna Be. Rodman has been married and divorced three times, he pursued a high-profile affair with singer Madonna and was briefly married to actress Carmen Electra. Rodman is a retired part-time professional wrestler and actor. Rodman has taken several trips to North Korea and considers the dictator, Kim Jong Un a personal friend.
Dennis was abandoned by his father when he was just three years old Dennis was abandoned by his father when he was just three years old. This early childhood trauma led to repressed insecurities and an unconscious desire to bond with powerful male figures. This explains his friendship with the Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un. Psychoanalytic:
DR earns more money in product endorsements when he dresses in women’s clothes and dies his hair. The money reinforces his behavior and he has learned that to be successful he must have an outrageous appearance. Behaviorist:
DR has lost his way due to a confusing environment and lack of belief in himself now that he does not have the security of being in the NBA. His search for love and belonging led him to develop an unhealthy friendship with Kim jogn Un. DR needs to believe in himself and find success in life without the NBA and the outrageous behaviors will cease. Humanistic:
In his book, DR revealed his secret longing to be a woman In his book, DR revealed his secret longing to be a woman. DR’s high level of estrogen makes him feel as if he should wear women’s clothes. Biological
DR interpreted his role in the NBA as needing to create attention for his team. As a result, he thought that by cross- dressing, dying his hair, and tattooing his body, his team would get the positive attention it required. Cognitive:
In the NBA culture, unusual behaviors occur often and are widely accepted; thus, DR believed his behavior to be typical and not out of the ordinary. Social-Cultural: