Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Correspondence The correspondence is one of the forms of communication, exchange of ideas or stances Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk
Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Due to the large amount and variety of information, we can distinguish following documents in every office : Office documents - a letter, minute, report, note - drawn up in the course of office work or received from the outside. Case files (current, finished) - a collection of office documents relating to one case. Office records – files from various cases relating to a single issue Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk
The role of correspondence maintaining communication between individuals and institutions (means of communication) transfering or gathering information (replaces direct conversation) confirming or complementing the content of the agreements concluded verbally or by telephone (to prevent confusion) creating a form of evidence (in the case of a dispute) recording resolutions and decisions Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk
Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Types of documents Documents can be divided due to: content, form, place of origin, degree of urgency, level of secrecy, way of transmission. Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk
Types of documents due to content Informational documents they deliver to the addressee full and objective data relating to a specific case, for example, invoice, notice, certificate, protocol, notification; a common feature of these documents is the lack of convincing to take a decision in accordance with the intentions of the author of the document; Convincing documents their objective is to encourage the recipient to take a position in accordance with the opinion of the author, e.g., petition, complaint, appeal. Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk
Types of documents due to form documents on special forms- these are representative documents, e.g., the minister forms, forms printed for holidays, anniversaries, etc., documents on correspondence form, headed paper documents compiled on the forms, containing fixed text and blank spaces to be filled in (e.g., the order, protocols hearing) documents on paper without any printing, form indeterminate by PN or any regulations Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk
Types of documents due to place of origin External, originated outside the company (e.g. the official lists sent by other companies, notices, invitations coming from senders outside the company); Internal, from inside the company (e.g., memos, reports, circulars). Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk
Types of documents due to degree of urgency regular documents, which are handled at a set time according to custom or law, urgent and very urgent documents that need to be taken care of in the first place, no later than within three days of receipt; very urgent matters may be dealt with by telephone and sending the documents at the same time; it is possible to use fax, pisma terminowe, w których wskazano konkretny termin załatwienia sprawy, document Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk
Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Paper sizes Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk
Most common are A series formats: A3 - application paper (statement, directory) A4 - correspondence and application forms A5 - short content correspondence and application forms A6 - cards and short content forms Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk
Types of documents due to type of case: documents with the title (minutes, notes, reports, invitations, regulations), documents on personal matters (curriculum vitae, a cover letter), trade documents (offer, order), documents written in a foreign language. Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk