By the Ministry of Finance GST Goods and Services Tax MODEL GST LAW Released on 14-Jun-2016 By the Ministry of Finance By CA Virender Chauhan +91-98101-37128 CA Kanchan Grover +91-83770-76697
April 01, 2017 deadline be met? Can
Stage-1 Constitution Amendment Bill passes in parliament on 3rd August 2016
Stage-2 Ratification of Bill by at least 16 states
Stage-3 President’s Assent required after ratification procedure made by states
Stage-4 GST Council to be formed to finalize the provisions related to tax rate, exemptions etc.
Stage-5 Industry feedback required to help the GST Council in finalizing the Model GST Law
Stage-6 Respective bills to be passed by each state legislature in accordance with the Model GST Law
Stage-7 Enactment by Parliament after finalization of laws by Centre and States
Stage-8 GST Network to be launched to help tax payers to understand the processes
Stage-9 Implementation of GST after completion of all processes
Searching For Excellence Thanking You By: CA Virender Chauhan CA Kanchan Grover 98101-37128 Searching For Excellence 08-Jul-16 CA Virender Chauhan