I am going to speak about workshop Write 3 arguments to recommend CELP program for directors of other schools and 3 arguments against Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
What is the workshop according to you ? Write a brief definition 1-2-4 Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
What is it and how to prepare it? WORKSHOP What is it and how to prepare it? Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Workshop is not … a speech a discussion a seminar a therapy Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Definition Workshop is a group event where participants create something together or do together something better. Each participant brings something into the workshop, learns from other participants, and has an impact on the end result. Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Characteristics of the workshop It usually lasts from a few hours to a week. It is characterized by a variety of forms. It is focused on group processes. It is learning through experience. Engages in various activities (inductive and deductive method). Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Learning through direct experience reflection sense Akcja = wydarzenie, doświadczenie Sens = refleksja, znaczenie, zrozumienie Reakcja = działanie, konceptualizacja, eksperymentowanie, decyzja experience action action reaction Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
INDUCTIVE method We collect topics, questions, problems to be solved - context. We bring them close to life situations (role play, simulations, experiments) - experience. Reflection on experience (expert opinion) - experience, (self assessment) - reflection. Preparation of the transfer (how will I use what I learned?) - action. Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
DEDUCTIVE method We collect topics, questions, problems to be resolved. We ask the participants about their experience - context. We introduce new content - experience. We engage participants in "playing with" new content - experience. Active reflection on experiments. Planning for future use, what we got to know (what and how?) - action. Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
How to encourage participation ? Title and description - what will it be ? Objectives - what will the participants learn ? Plan - how activities were planned ? Person - Who will lead the workshop ? Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Invent a title of the workshop ...ATRACTIVE Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Description of the workshop Target group / addresses Why it is worthy to participate in the workshop ? Why the topic is important ? What problem we would like to solve ? What methods we will use ? Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
AIMS of the workshop After the workshop you will know and you will be able to ... Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
PLAN of the workshop TOPIC ..... METHODS used ..... Schedule divided into hours including coffee breaks Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
PERSON leading workshop A warm and interesting note about the person NOT CURRICULUM VITAE Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Do not forget materials you need and exact time of the begining and the end. How to get to the place of the workshop. „Why” of the workshop and „for whom”. How the place will look like? Who other has been invited to run the training? Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Knowledge which can be useful What the participants know ? What other training they had before ? What opinions they have on important issus ? What kind of questions they may have in their minds ? What they expect from the trainer ? Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
What the participants could do before workshop ? Read, write or collect information on a topic. Prepare a speech or presentation. Write what they expect and what they want to contribute. Their hopes and fears. Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Workshop possible difficulties memorizing names, difficult people and situations, time discipline, the beginning and the end, copyright, contract (rules for class activities) bibliography Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Memorizing names. Difficult people and situations Methods of memorizing. Do not let yourself be provoked. You do not have to answer judgments. Difficult people and hidden intentions (Klaus Vopel). Other interference (seven rules for interference). Exercises for the tired. Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Time discipline Lectures up to 20 minutes Breaks Additional breaks Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Beginning and the end Punctuality and interesting start. Presentation of the plan and annoucement of some flexibility. The end that everyone will remember, which will cause spontaneous applause. Evaluation - after official ending. Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Copyright What you can and what you should ? What you can not do ? Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Accepted rules Sign of silence Way of addressing to each other Presence ect.. Wojciech Żmudziński SJ
Errors - 1 Not paying attention to the participants' body language. Collaborate with a person you do not know at all. Tell the participants what you can ask them for. Pretending to know the answer to every question.
Errors - 2 Ignoring questions asked by participants, their ideas and suggestions. Read to participants what they can read by themselves. Interjection, commenting on the presentation by the participants. Letting go of the quarrel.
Errors - 3 Stopping yourself from enthusiasm. No examples from life, illustration, anecdote. Materials distributed at the wrong time. Entering into a discussion with one or only few people. Striving for the goal with great severity, lack of contact with the process and moods of others.
Errors - 4 Do not refer to what the participants believe or what they are living in. Too little interaction between participants. Fatigue and low concentration. Too long lectures, too much information and the desire to do too much in too short time.
Errors - 5 Not seeing the uniqueness of the group. Using too scientific jargon. No visual contact and monotonous speech. Complicated, unclear instructions. Poorly selected method of work.
Errors - 6 Telling inappropriate jokes or telling a joke at the wrong time. Defensive response to charges. Do not treat all participants equally. Standing on one side of the conflict. Praise your actions, your relationships.
Work in groups or individually Topic (title) Person leading workshop Target group Aim Plan (timeline) Methods Check list of you need Example of one slide General conception of handouts for participants