Sanctions “Computers Are Like Old Testament Gods; Lots Of Rules And No Mercy” Joseph Campbell
Three Types of Sanctions & Disqualifications Occurrence Level Sanctions ABAWD 3rd Ticket Disqualifications Regain 3rd Ticket Disqualifications
Occurrence Level Sanctions Initiated by EF Workers Two Day Process
Occurrence Level Sanctions No Shows for appointments Non-ABAWDS ABAWDS Exempt? Receiving Food Stamps?
Shows all approved and closed programs
Check for any Active Sanctions Check the Food Stamp Status Check for the NOA Cut-Off Date
Before or After NOA Cutoff Determines Effective Begin Date NOA Cutoff Dates Before or After NOA Cutoff Determines Effective Begin Date NOA cutoff last day to initiate sanction to begin the next month Must give 10 +1 days notice to reduce benefits
You should never have an Effective Begin Date that is after the Know the NOA cutoff date before you enter a date in this field. This field determines the start date of the sanction. The sanction will always begin the month following this date In this example, the sanction will begin in March. You should never have an Effective Begin Date that is after the NOA cutoff date and before the 1st of the next month. Never back date the Effective Begin Date.
Won’t give person adequate notice to reduce benefits effective the 1st of the next month. NOA Cutoff is last day to sanction for the next month
Sanction start Use October 1st as Effective Begin Date Use October 1st as Effective Begin Date When entering non-compliance after NOA, use the 1st of next month as Effective Begin Date. This ensures adequate notice.
Data Enter the Non-Compliance Individual Compliance Detail Effective Begin Date—Never back date Before NOA—Today’s Date After NOA—1st of the next month
EF- Failed to Part in Activity EF-Failed to Provide Info Type-Select a valid value from the drop down menu that begins with the letters “EF” EF- Failed to Part in Activity EF-Failed to Provide Info EF-Missed Appt EF-Refused to Report a Job EF-Workfare Not Complete
Comply--Enter “N” (no) Good Cause—Choose “No Good Cause” from the drop down menu Verification—Choose “Received” Source—Choose “Work Programs” Save
You must complete data on the 7 fields shown– then enter a Comment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Over night will go through batch process
Batch Does Two Things Automatically creates the sanction on Sanctions, Disqualifications and POI’s window. Automatically creates and mails the NOA
Day #2: View the Sanction
Don’t Forget to Change the Plan
Day 2 What if the Sanction is not there? Contact the Food Stamp Worker Ask them to manually run EDBC The Sanction should post and mail the NOA
ABAWD Third Ticket Disqualifications
ABAWD 3rd Ticket Disqualifications Are automatically created by CBMS on Noa Cutoff Last until person Regains Check day two to make sure it posted
Batch On NOA Cutoff Posts the 3rd Ticket Creates the Non-compliance Posts the Disqualification Creates and Mails the NOA
The fields on this window are automatically populated by the batch program which runs on the NOA cutoff date. Note that the “Type” field says, “ABAWD Third Ticket”. To view sanction, click this button
Find the sanction record that corresponds with the ABAWD 3rd Ticket sanction and double click on that line to view the detail.
Don’t Forget to Change the Plan
Day After NOA Check ABAWD 3rd Ticket List In COGNOS
If disqualification did not post… By 8:30am - write out NOA’s Manually Contact the eligibility worker Ask them to manually run EDBC The disqualification should post and if it does the NOA will also be sent
ABAWD Regain Third Ticket Disqualifications
36 MONTHS = Met the Work Requirement for the month = Full Month of FS benefits 4 T I C K E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 T I C K E 4 T I C K E 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 R e g a i n #1 R e g a i n #2 R e g a i n #3 REGAIN 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Regain = 80 hours of Non Workfare Activity or - 8 hours of Workfare within a 30 day period -
ABAWD Regain Disqualifications Automatically created by CBMS on the NOA cutoff date of the Regain 3 month. Last until the person completes the Regain process. EF worker must send the NOA (this is done in Regain 2 month). EF worker checks to ensure the disqualification posted.
Batch On NOA Cutoff Posts the Regain Tickets Creates the Non-compliance Posts the Disqualification Creates and Mails the NOA
The batch process that runs on the NOA cutoff date will automatically populate the fields on this window. Note that the ‘Type’ field says “Regain Third Ticket”. Click this to view the sanction
Note that ABAWD Regain Third Ticket Disqualifications look just like ABAWD 3rd Ticket Disqualifications on the Display Sanctions window. Distinguish between the 2 by matching up the dates with the Non-compliance record on the Individual Compliance window.
Don’t Forget to Change the Plan
Day After NOA Check ABAWD Regain List In COGNOS
If disqualification did not post… By 8:30am - write out NOA’s Manually Contact the eligibility worker Ask them to manually run EDBC The disqualification should post and if it does the NOA will also be sent
Exempt or Complied?
Occurrence Level Sanctions Comply Occurrence Level Sanctions If Sanction Started—Must sit out sanction period, then comply. Comply County Specific
Go to the Individual Compliance Detail Window Change the comply {Y/N} field to “y” Enter a date in the Cure/Comply/Regain Date Field
2 1 3 Comply [Y/N] – Enter ‘Y’ Cure/Comply/Regain Date – Enter date of compliance completion. Comment 1 2 3
Third Ticket Disqualifications and Regain Disqualifications State Policy: Regain 8 Hours of Workfare or 80 Hours of Other Activity In a 30 Day Period
Batch Over Night
End dates Sanction or Disqualification Changes the Status to Closed Enters “Complied” in the End Reason Field