Put your faith in Christ for salvation. Tell the lost the reason for Christ’s Incarnation. Commit to following Jesus for life. Shine the light of the gos-pel to those in darkness. Live in light of eternity. Submit to God’s will for your life. Enjoy abundant spiritual life in Christ.
I. Follow Jesus, the Light of the World (8:12–59) A. Results of discipleship (8:12–20)
I. Follow Jesus, the Light of the World (8:12–59) A. Results of discipleship (8:12–20) B. Reminder to disciples (8:21–30) C. Requirement for discipleship (8:31–59)
II. Follow Jesus, the Healer of the Blind (9:1–41) A. Cause of the healing (9:1–7)
II. Follow Jesus, the Healer of the Blind (9:1–41) A. Cause of the healing (9:1–7) B. Controversy over the healing (9:8–34) 1. The reaction of the neighbors (vv. 8–12) 2. The response of the Pharisees (vv. 13–17) 3. The reply of the parents (vv. 18–23) 4. The report of the man (vv. 24–34) C. Conversation after the healing (9:35–38) D. Condemnation after the healing (9:39–41)
III. Follow Jesus, the Good Shepherd (10:1–42) A. The discourse (10:1–18) 1. The parable (vv. 1–6) 2. The point (vv. 7–18)
Eternal life. Christ’s tender care. Eternal security. Christ’s loving protection. Abundant spiritual life. Christ’s loving discipline. Access to the Father. Christ’s personal attention. Type text here. Type text here. Type text here. Type text here.
III. Follow Jesus, the Good Shepherd (10:1–42) A. The discourse (10:1–18) 1. The parable (vv. 1–6) 2. The point (vv. 7–18) B. The division (10:19–21) C. The declaration (10:22–42) 1. The request and reply (vv. 24–30) 2. The response (vv. 31–39) 3. The return (vv. 40–42)
Put your faith in Christ for salvation. Rejoice in the blessings of following Christ. Tell the lost the reason for Christ’s Incarnation. Commit to following Jesus for life. Shine the light of the gos-pel to those in darkness. Live in light of eternity. Submit to God’s will for your life. Enjoy abundant spiritual life in Christ.