Variety of polish forests and beauty of local mysterious wilderness
INFORMATION ABOUT FORRESTS IN POLAND Poland is an european leader in quantity of forests. It takes 29,2 % territory of country. The most of them are national forests. Above 55% woods takes bory. The rest of them are forest habitats, mostly mixed. Generally on the lowland and upland areas are pines. The most popular trees in the mountains are spruce (west) and spruce with beech (east). More and more another species takes part in polish forests mainly mixed. In our forests most often are stands in age from 40 to 80 years old. Ordinary age is 60.
WILDERNESS NIEPOŁOMICKA The main topic our presentation is Wilderness Niepołomnicka, which is very close to us because of its near location. This complex locates in the west part of valley sandomierska (the southern part of Poland) and it incudes two counties: wielicki and bocheński. This place is really beautiful and we love spending time there.
POLITIC AND ECONOMY Forest district of niepołomicka wilderness leads very responsible and sustainable policy. It consists on partial afforestation and deforestation of wilderness. It usually runs to on the beginning of the spring and sometimes on the beginning of the summer every year. Administration of wilderness takes care about roads, which is very important for visitors. In our opinion niepołomnicka wilderness is the most affordable for people from our district. This is also unique touristic attraction for the lovers of nature and recreation.
ANIMALS Niepołomnice wilderness is characterized by an unsualbundance of the animal world. There occurs 175 species of birds inter alia: mud owl, red heron, osprey, ural tawny owl, hoopoe. The northern part of the forest abounds inamphibians: green toad, common frog, moor frog. Forest became home to restricted Capricornbeetle, whose population forseveral decades is constantly decreasing. Among mammals include: deer, deer, wildboar, as well as appearing occasionally wolves and elk.
AUROCHS The title of king of the wilderness without doubt belongs to the bison, the largest living animals in Europe today. In the area of Bison Breeding Center, covering 70 hectares lives about 30 individuals from the line Lowland – Caucasian. This area is surrounded by a high fence thatensures the animals safety.
GREENERY Wilderness captivated us with diversity and beauty of the amazing flora. The bigger wildlife habitat in forest is a wet mixed forest humid (about 45%) with a dominance of pine and spruce. Second place is for wet forest humid(about 22%), and next wet mixed forest(about 12%) Often there are also larch , alder , beech , ash , hornbeam , birch , linden , elm , poplar and fir . There are many wetlands in which are many types of aquatic plants . We were also surprised wealth of rare species of protected plants ( ivy , European Wild Ginger and Woodruff ) . On many wetlands we can meet bog bilberry , yellow water lily , water lily North and Salvinia floating . In the forest there are also interesting species of mountain plants and many types of fungi .
RESERVES In the Niepołomice Forest created six nature reserves , together covering an area of 101.41 hectares. There is also a lot of individual monuments of nature .During our trip we loved reserve Gibel , which extends on the surface of 29,79 hectares and is the largest of the reserves . Enthused us naturalness of the area , you can see that nature is governed by its own laws there. It protects the original , natural pieces of wood. There is also a lot of monuments of nature and habitats of Animals such as : black stork , buzzard , tawny owl , black woodpecker and the grosbeak and this is a strict reserve .Nature Reserves in Niepołomice Forest plays an important role in ensuring the protection of species of rare or endangered plants and animals , as well as the weight of maintaining the diversity of species in the whole area .
NATURE 2000 Is a program covering most areas of natural beauty. The idea of its creation is to ensure that the biodiversity of these areas, through the protection of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. Complex Niepołomice Forest and adjacent meadow areas has been included in the program in order to provide special protection among other such plants as: lily of the valley, dactylorhizamajalis, carnation delicious, epipactis livid, snowdrop, neottia, ononis, spring primrose. The program also includes four species of birds: flycatcher, average woodpecker, ural tawny owl and black woodpecker.
RECREATION Cycle trips Rollerblading Walks Running Mushrooming Sunbathing Relax
TRAILS In wilderness niepołomnicka are four trails: green, red, blue and black. All of them have 33 km. There is a network of forest roads for bikes and horses. You can find there a perfect trail for you and your family.
WETLANDS Within the forest there are many wetlands and reservoirs . Our favorite is the spectacular ,, Black Pond " Who had the opportunity to visit it during our recently cycle trip . The lake which are contained in the wilderness in Forestry Gawłówek ( district Bochnia ) and is the largest water reservoir of this complex Forest . Relax at the shore of lake is a great alternative to spending time on sunny days.
AUTORS: Aleksandra Morajko-1c Kacper Tekiela-1b Barbara Węglarz-1c I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Króla Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bochni Application number/Numer zgłoszenia: 109 All photos was taken by us.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Sound effects from: Moreover we relied on our own experiences