Daily Agenda (write Down Everything in a Color other than white, Use Cornell Notes) 8-16-16 Lesson Title: Rhetorical Devices, Rhetorical Modes and How to Read a Book Grammar Skill: Literacy Skill: Citing Evidence from the text/Note-Taking Bellringer: Reflective Writing Entry 1 ALCCRS: RI 10-11. 10, V 10-11, 39,41, W 10-11. Objectives: Identify the modes of rhetorical writing. Develop effective strategy for rhetorical analysis. Daily Learning Outcome(s): I can explain how an author uses rhetorical devices in writing and speaking. I can identify the rhetorical modes. I can use annotation and text-marking to help me analyze text. Vocabulary: Rhetorical modes, annotation EQ(s):What are the rhetorical modes of writing? How do we read for analysis? Activities: Before- Cornell Note-taking During- Rhetorical Tool Box After-3-2-1 Homework: Complete Rhetorical Toolbox and Prepare for Test on Thursday/Friday.
Rhetorical Tool Box In preparation for rhetorical (argumentative) analysis for the school year, it is important that we develop a guide to help us remember the skills need to complete an effective analysis. We will work together to complete a Rhetorical Tool Box that you will be able to reference through out the school year! List of Rhetorical Devices: Devices of Association simile, metaphor, personification, allusion, metonymy, synecdoche Devices of Emphasis climax, asyndeton, polysyndeton, irony, understatement, litotes, hyperbole, paradox, ethos, logos, pathos Devices of Balance and Restatement parallelism, chiasmus, antithesis, anaphora, epistrophe, Devices of Decoration and Variety Ellipsis, alliteration, assonance, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, Define each word, provide an example, and draw an illustration to help visualize how meaning of the word.
Rhetorical Tool Box Continued In preparation for rhetorical (argumentative) analysis for the school year, it is important that we develop a guide to help us remember the skills need to complete an effective analysis. We will work together to complete a Rhetorical Tool Box that you will be able to reference through out the school year! List of Rhetorical Devices: Device for Sentence Structure Cumulative sentence, balanced sentence, periodic sentence Devices for Sentence Variety participial phrase, gerund phrase, prepositional phrases, appositive phrases Devices for High-level punctuation dashes, quotation marks, semicolon, colon, commas
Rhetorical Tool Box For Reading In preparation for rhetorical (argumentative) analysis for the school year, it is important that we develop a guide to help us remember the skills need to complete an effective analysis. We will work together to complete a Rhetorical Tool Box that you will be able to reference through out the school year! Figures of Speech simile, metaphor, analogy, irony, personification, imagery, allusion Sentence Structure phrase, clause, prepositional phrase, appositive phrase, gerund phrases, simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, compound-complex sentences Reading Skills analyze, summarize, main idea, supporting details, making inferences, drawing conclusions, thesis, claim, author’s purpose Punctuation colon, semicolon, quotation marks, commas Define each word, provide and example, and draw an illustration to help visualize how meaning of the word.
Reflective Writing Entry 1 8-16-15 This is goes in your Reflective Writing Section. Please respond in complete sentences. “To educate a man in mind, and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” -Teddy Roosevelt Answer the three questions in one paragraph. Remember, your paragraph should address the following: What is the meaning of this statement. (Write one-two sentence response.) Identify the rhetorical devices that author uses in his statement. (one sentence) How does each rhetorical device impact the meaning of the statement? (4-5 sentences) Be prepared to discuss your response 3-5 minutes after the tardy bell sounds. 1. Parallelism Alliteration Assonance Analogy 2.
Daily Agenda (write Down Everything in a Color other than white, Use Cornell Notes) Lesson Title: Rhetorical Devices, Rhetorical Modes and How to Read a Book Grammar Skill: Literacy Skill: Citing Evidence from the text/Note-Taking Bellringer: Reflective Writing Entry 1 ALCCRS: RI 10-11. 10, V 10-11, 39,41, W 10-11. Objectives: Identify the modes of rhetorical writing. Develop effective strategy for rhetorical analysis. Daily Learning Outcome(s): I can explain how an author uses rhetorical devices in writing and speaking. I can identify the rhetorical modes. I can use annotation and text-marking to help me analyze text. Vocabulary: Rhetorical modes, annotation EQ(s):What are the rhetorical modes of writing? How do we read for analysis? Activities: Before- Cornell Note-taking During-Mark Up the Text/”How to Read a Book After-3-2-1 Homework: Complete Rhetorical Toolbox and Prepare for Test on Thursday/Friday.
Introduction to English 10 In your binder Introduction to English 10 In your binder. Set Up your Notes in the format below.
Daily Agenda Lesson Title: Rhetorical Modes and How to Read a Book Grammar Skill: Literacy Skill: Citing Evidence from the text/Note-Taking Bellringer: Reflective Writing Entry 1 ALCCRS: RI 10-11. 10, V 10-11, 39,41, W 10-11. Objectives: Identify the modes of rhetorical writing. Develop effective strategy for rhetorical analysis. Daily Learning Outcome(s): I can explain how an author uses rhetorical devices in writing and speaking. I can identify the rhetorical modes. I can use annotation and text-marking to help me analyze text. Vocabulary: Rhetorical modes, annotation EQ(s):What are the rhetorical modes of writing? How do we read for analysis? Activities: Before- Cornell Note-taking During-Mark Up the Text/”How to Read a Book After-3-2-1 Homework: Complete Rhetorical Toolbox and Prepare for Test on Friday.
Cornell Notes: Rhetorical Modes and Style This flexible term the variety, the conventions, and the purposes pf the major kinds of writing. The four most common rhetorical modes (often referred to as “modes of discourse”) are as follows: The purpose of exposition (or expository writing) is to explain and analyze information by presenting an idea relevant evidence, and appropriate discussion. The AP language exam essay questions are frequently expository topics. The purpose of argumentation is to prove the validity of an idea, or point of view, by presenting sound reasoning, discussion, and argument that thoroughly convince the reader. Persuasive writing is a type of argumentation having a additional aim of urging some form of action The purpose of description is to recreate, invent, or visually present a person, place, event, or action so that the reader can picture that being described. Sometimes an author engages all five senses in description; good descriptive writing can be sensuous and picturesque. Descriptive writing may be straightforward and objective or highly emotional and subjective. Adapted and excepted from Edward P.J Corbett and Robert J. Connor's Classical for Modern Students. Oxford University Press ISBN: 019511422
Continued: Rhetorical Modes And Style 4. The purpose of narration is to tell a story or narrate an event or series of events. This writing mode frequently uses the tools of descriptive writing. STYLE The consideration of style has two purposes: An evaluation of the sum of the choices an author makes in blending diction, syntax, figurative language, and other literary devices. Some author’s styles are so idiosyncratic that we can quickly recognize works by the same author. Classification of authors to a group and comparison of an authors. By meaning of such classification and comparison, we can see how an author’s style reflects and helps to define a historical period such as in the Renaissance or the Victorian period, or a literary movement, such as the romantic, transcendental, or realist movements. Adapted and excepted from Edward P.J Corbett and Robert J. Connor’s Classical for Modern Students. Oxford University Press ISBN: 019511422 We Can analyze and describe an author’s personal style and make adjustments on how appropriate
Check for Understanding
Bellringer: Identify Rhetorical Modes, devices and Main Idea 8-27-15 Directions: Read the passage below. Write and answer the questions in the Writing to Learn section of your notes. Good manners are back, and for a good reason. As the world becomes increasingly competitive, the gold goes to the team that shows off an extra bit of polish. The person who makes a good impression will be the one who gets the job, wins the promotion, or clinches the deal. Manners and professionalism must become second nature to anyone who wants to achieve and maintain a competitive edge. The lesson is this: You can have good credentials, but a good presentation is everything. You can’t neglect etiquette, or somewhere in your career you will be at a competitive disadvantage because of your inability to use good manners or to maintain your composure in tense situations. Questions: What rhetorical mode is being used in the passage? What are the clues that lead you to identify the mode? Identify one rhetorical device. What is the main idea of the passage? argumentative, use opinion statements and expresses no other opinion The gold goes to the team that show….analogy, parallelism Good manners are back because they are key to one’s success
Daily Agenda Lesson Title: Rhetorical Modes and How to Read a Book Grammar Skill: Literacy Skill: Citing Evidence from the text/Note-Taking Bellringer: Reflective Writing Entry 1 ALCCRS: RI 10-11. 10, V 10-11, 39,41 Objectives: Identify the modes of rhetorical writing. Develop effective strategy for rhetorical analysis. Daily Learning Outcome(s): I identify the rhetorical modes. I can use annotation and text- marking to help me analyze text. Vocabulary: Rhetorical modes, annotation EQ(s):What are the rhetorical modes of writing? How do we read for analysis? Activities: Before- Cornell Note-taking During-Mark Up the Text/”How to Read a Book After-3-2-1 Homework: Complete Rhetorical Toolbox and Prepare for Test on Friday.
Skill Application: How to Read a Book
Lesson of The Day: Marking the Text Now lets put our new knowledge to use! What will we need to mark up the text: Highlighters Post-It Strips A Text to Mark-Up
Wrap-Up: 3-2-1