Peripheral Vascular (PVS) Examination (OSCE) Presented by Dr.MOHAMMED MAREE Surgical Department Al-Makassed Hospital
Leg ulcers Leg ulcers are the most common type of leg ulcer is debilitating and painful greatly reducing patient's quality of life. difficult to treat the most common type of leg ulcer is venous ulcer neuropathic ulcer arterial ulcers. the successful treatment depends upon the accurate diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause.
Clinical assessment
Peripheral Vascular (PVS) Examination Washing your hands. A general observation of the patient General appearance of the legs Muscle wasting Scars. Patient’s legs, feet and toes Ulcers painless or painful
Ulcers (venous or arterial ) painless or painful Any skin changes varicose eczema sites of previous ulcers varicose veins (seen best with the patient standing.)
palpating the legs temperature of each leg(Starting distally) Check capillary return If abnormal perform Buerger’s Test, This involves raising the patient’s feet to 45 degrees. In the presence of poor arterial supply, pallor rapidly develops
you should feel abdominal aorta peripheral pulses: Femoral Popliteal Finally for palpation, you should feel abdominal aorta peripheral pulses: Femoral Popliteal Posterior tibial Dorsalis pedis
auscultate in a peripheral vascular examination. Listen for femoral and abdominal aortic bruits