Collection of Aegon Religare Insurance Premium on YES MONEY
Step 1 On Yes Money screen, Click on Insurance for accepting Aegon Religare Payments
Step 2 Input the Aegon Religare Policy Number and the mobile number of Customer The Policy number and Mobile number will be validated against the Aegon Religare database as soon as ‘Enter’ button is clicked
Step 3 1) Retailer to get the details verified by Customer and then click Submit 2) On clicking Submit, Customer will be sent an OTP on the mobile number provided in step 2.
Enter the OTP shared by the customer and click on ‘Verify’ Step 4 Enter the OTP shared by the customer and click on ‘Verify’
Step 5 Accept the Exact Premium amount as Cash Payment from the Customer and click on ‘Pay’ Do not charge any service fee from the customer. The agent commission will be credited separately.
Print the Payment Acknowledgement and hand it over to the customer Step 6 Print the Payment Acknowledgement and hand it over to the customer