Your Safety Record 2002 – 31 Recordable Accidents 7 Lost Time Accidents 2003 – 22 Recordable Accidents 1 Lost Time Accident
Definitions Recordable Accident – Anything more than first-aid. Lost Time Accident Days away from work.
Since 1993 Our Company has paid approximately $5,020,070 What Has It Cost YOU? Since 1993 Our Company has paid approximately $5,020,070 in workers compensation.
This money comes from the same pool of money that goes for raises, lower health insurance premiums, contributions to profit sharing, equipment upgrades and fun stuff like lunches and awards.
Type Of Accidents Cuts Back Strain Rash Fall Pain in hand, wrist, arm, back
Average Costs Recordable Accident – One time visit $1000.00 Lost Time Accident $24,500
Near-Miss Report The Near-Miss report is your way of telling the Safety Manager that there is an unsafe process or action taking place in the plant. These forms are located in the cafeteria. Simply fill it out and place it in the yellow box. You do not have to identify yourself.
Prescription Safety Glasses Human Resources has a program that will provide you a new pair of safety glasses every two years free of charge. Specialty items like bi-focals, tinting, etc., you must pay the additional cost.
Due to insurance regulations, you are not permitted to drive yourself to doctor or the ER if you are hurt at work. A member of Supervision must drive you and bring you back if you return to work.
Forklift Safety OSHA estimates that there are 680,400 forklift accidents each year. Approximately 90,000 employees suffer some type of injury each year
Four Year Study In a four year study conducted by OSHA from 1998 to 2002 in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi, 86 workers died after being crushed or struck by forklifts.
Forklift Issues Answer this: I have been driving a forklift for 25 years. Does this make me the best and safest driver?
Driving a forklift to fast is the biggest problem we have here at our Company. SLOW DOWN !!