define the following words from ch. 19 ch. 20 Chapters 19 & 20 define the following words from ch. 19 ch. 20
Answer the following questions. Answers can be found in the movie How is the sun a nuclear reactor? Explain a fusion reaction as it occurs in a star. What is nuclear fission? Why do fusion and fission produce energy? How is radiation dangerous? What did Pierre and Maria Curie discover? When and where was the first atomic bomb used in war? Why is a hydrogen bomb more devastation than an atomic bomb? What are the advantages of nuclear powered submarines
Fusion & Fission Stars & the sun are nuclear reactors Intense heat and pressure cause hydrogen atoms to collide and fuse (fusion) to form helium The NRG from this fusion fuels the star People have been able to create nuclear energy through fission (nuclei split apart) which releases great amounts of energy Fusion and Fission are difficult to control and devastation can occur with uncontrolled reactions
Examples of Nuclear Reactions Marie Curie pioneered the study of radiation, but died from leukemia caused by its toxic properties Mushroom Cloud from atomic bomb Nuclear submarines are superior to diesel subs
Radioactivity aka radioactive decay process by which certain elements emit particular forms of radiation Major Forms of Radiation: Alpha Beta gamma
Alpha Particle Characteristics: Fast flying + charged subatomic particles that each have 2 protons and 2 neutrons for a net +2 charge (comes from the protons) Is ejected by certain radioactive elements
Beta particles… High speed electrons ejected from an atom
Gamma Rays … are a form of electromagnetic radiation with no charge are high energy radiation are dangerous to humans have the greatest penetrating power especially to cells in the body of the three rays