Expert Perspectives on New Treatment Options for Parkinson Disease Psychosis
Program Goals
Parkinson Disease Psychosis
Psychosis and Dementia
"Benign" Hallucinations
"Benign" Hallucinations (cont)
Managing Symptoms of Psychosis
Reducing PD Therapies
Take-Home Message: Managing PDP
Atypical Antipsychotics
Clozapine: Efficacy
Clozapine: Adverse Events
Additional Atypical Antipsychotics
Take-Home Message: Pharmacotherapy
Psychiatrists and Neurologists
Using PD Therapies in PDP
Individualizing Treatment in PDP
PDP and Dopamine
PDP and the Serotonergic System
Inverse Agonists
Atypical Antipsychotics: Mechanism of Action
Effect of Emerging Therapies on PDP Treatment
Conclusions: Clinical Practice
Conclusions: Communication