Welcome to the Wonderful World of Psychology..!
The Myth of Psychology…? What’s it all about…?! Students to complete the true/false picture sheet.
What makes a Successful Psychology student? Organised and determined: Psychology isn’t easy and you will have to get your head around lots of information. An interest in Science: Psychology is a Science and you will need to get your head around some scientific concepts, as well as conduct your own scientific research and practical investigations. An interest in people: In Psychology everything can be applied to humans and your own experiences. A love of discussion: Discussion and debate is always important in Psychology. You must be prepared to contribute. Literacy and numeracy: You will need to perform lots of statistics and be able to write logical, clear and well explained essays. Most importantly… be Independent! You will be expected to conduct a lot of work and research on your own… so you must be motivated to work outside of the classroom!
AQA AS Level Course Topics: Social Influence Memory Attachment Topics: Research Methods Psychopathology Approaches in Psychology (including Bio Psychology)
To Start: Complete the quiz. What does this tell us? Can you guess what we’ll be looking at today?
The Personality Today… We’re going to look at one aspect of Psychology… The Personality
The Pig Personality Test On a blank piece of paper draw a pig Don’t look at your neighbour’s pigs!! You have 3 minutes
What does your pig say about your personality? Toward to top of the paper, you are a positive, optimistic person Toward the middle of the paper, you are a realist Toward the bottom of the paper, you are a pessimist & have a tendency to be negative Facing left, you area traditional, friendly, & good at remembering dates, including birthdays Facing forward (or angled forward) you are direct, enjoy playing “ the devils advocate”, & neither fear nor avoid discussions Facing right, you are innovative & active but do not have a strong sense of family, & you are not good at remembering dates.
What is the personality? Where does it come from? Pair, share, explain. What is the personality? Where does it come from?
What is the personality? Characteristics and qualities that form our character Freud studied it in-depth, and had case studies and theories around it. He created the iceberg model of personality
Freud’s Iceberg Conscious Preconscious Ego Superego Id Unconscious Id: first part to develop. Pleasure Principle Biological Component. Very demanding, and contains the ‘primal urges’. Very animalistic Ego: second part to develop. Reality Principle Psychological Component. Helps the id get what it wants, without being too extreme. Balances the urges of the id and superego later on. Acts as a referee. Superego: Last part to develop. Morality Principle Social Component. Very moral, follows rules. It can also be very extreme. Conscious: The part of the mind that is always accessed and available. We are always in a conscious mind. And know we are. Wat we see and experience in front of us is part of this Preconscious: A part of the mind that is accessible, but not at the moment. Normal memories are stored here – they can easily be accessed, if we concentrate on doing so. Unconscious: The area of the mind that we cannot access, and is very hard to. Repressed memories can be stored here. Id Unconscious
Your task: Investigating the Iceberg… Using the sheet provided you should construct a complete picture of Freud’s iceberg theory of the personality. Use the tasks and questions below to help you…. Task 1 Using the help sheet provided, research and find out about the three elements that make up our personality. Summarise them on your sheet. Task 2 Now create an iceberg of your own personality. Add examples from your own personality to each of the three elements on your sheet. E.g. What urges/instincts does your id have? What does your superego say in response? What would your Ego say? Task 3 Extension Well Done Evaluate Freud’s theory. How useful/accurate is it in explaining the personality? Give some pros and cons of Freud’s theory.
Plenary Are there any other examples of defence mechanisms you can think of? TV shows Movies Books THINK Video games Real life experiences
A Quick Test Laura’s maths exam is in 2 weeks time. Laura knows that she needs to revise for her exam but she has been invited out by her friends every night for the next 2 weeks. What would the ID say? What would the SUPEREGO say? What would the EGO say?
Quick intro to Criminal Profiling!
Fact or fake? You will be shown a description of 5 different research studies. Four of these studies are from genuine pieces of research One is completely made up. Your task is to find the fake You need to discuss with your group and offer appropriate justification for your choices Stress research in Psychology.
That’s all folks…. See you in September!
Conscious Preconscious Ego Superego Unconscious Id