WNPS Fundraising Committee Opportunities for Fundraising Success
Current Fundraising Objective: Budget goals for 2017: 2016 Plan 2016 Actual Variance 2017 Budget General fund $90,000 $107,201 $17,201 $102,500 Workplace $4,500 $3,974 ($526) Sp. Campaign $0 $900 $1,000 Committee Goal $10,000 Total $94,500 $112,075 $17,575 $118,000
Current WNPS Fundraising Activities Spring Renewal Campaign – primarily membership dues, renewals, new members GIVE Big – May 10 – in 2016, this exceeded $10,000 in revenue WNPS Events and budgeted margins of profit Fall Campaign – Gifts above and beyond membership Major gifts – providing during the year Quarterly and Monthly Workplace Giving directly to WNPS – CFC and other workplace giving EarthShare Corporate giving for 2017 – In 2018 CFC workplace giving will come through EarthShare Planned Giving – distributions and estate gifts Email thanks for all gifts immediately and Handwritten thank you notes – currently $250 contribution and above directly from the Board President.
2017 -2018 Fundraising Additional Action Proposal Donors – Individual and Corporate Encourage existing donors to continue giving… …and perhaps give more Annual phone calls to major donors by committee / bi-annual activity Board members – thank yous, cultivation activity Board member notes from thank you calls including responses to be shared with the fundraising committee. Shared results from Spring 2017 – Caller story
Identify and Cultivate new, potential donors - individual and organizational Host specific field trip events for current and potential donors Fall and Spring – East and West Hikes or walks with potential tail gate activity, food, social after the hikes May or may not include a direct ask during the event, as this is primarily a cultivation activity for a future personal ask by sponsoring board member. Leverage tradition and community outreach through Native Plant Appreciation Week – increase potential by early committee adoption cross chapter, to strategize, implement, and share the work load for success.
Events or gatherings to encourage existing members to become donors: Annual fundraising event, held at a brewery, winery or other – Social gathering with the board members, food, drinks, potentially silent auction to report out to the membership, annual report, introduce organization goals, and grow engagement. Tickets $50.00 per person, plus % of liquor sales from sponsoring facility. Share Koma Kulshan’s Aslan Brewery sponsorship. Fall Festival – Nov or Dec. includes arts, vendor booths, learning opportunities, camaraderie and pre-holiday shopping, proceeds come from vendor contributions, entry fees, and additional donor and member cultivation.
Membership Expansion – Enlarging the pool of potential donors Society Wide Engagement in the Mission of Increasing Capacity for Fundraising Motivate and Engage New Members Chapters to assign greeters to welcome people to program Chapters develop “mentor” system to assign “buddy” to new members. Chapter use of social media to encourage participation celebrate success. Establish clear Organization Member Benefits and put to action Motivate renewals of existing members Before and during spring membership campaign, send emails and social media posts with stories of successes and accomplishments – photos WNPS Conference focusing on education/professional development partnering with educational institutions and other organizations. Online Native Plant Sales ?
Outreach events to attract new members Native Plant Sales – Chapter sales – education and fundraising to support chapter activity and increase community awareness. Study Weekend, Botany WA, and Professional Workshops – establish profit margins, however increase opportunities to include an additional “ask” WNPS Scholarship Fund for event participation for students, to increase participation by student populations and support engagement. Increase participation of families with younger kids, at WNPS and Chapter events, with family based education, and youth activities to support environment education.
Join the Conversation The Fundraising Committee seeks Chapter input: Opportunities for dialog between Chapter Boards and Fundraising Committee members. Input from chapters to Society activities – Needs, desires, interest in participation. Cross communication regarding consistent messaging and goals for outreach activities. Interest and participation in NPAW for future outreach success. (insert GSP posting) 5. Final thoughts on planning for 2018 – who’s IN for the success?