Co-Residing With Arthritis Janice M. Park, Ph.D. Gerontology Specialist
What is Arthritis?
What’s in a name? The Greek word “arth” means joint and “itis” means inflammation. Joint inflammation -- “problems with a joint”.
Osteoarthritis is the Most Common Form of Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Fibromyalgia Second Most Common Reason for Seeing a Rheumatologist
Common Signs and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia Generalized pain Irritable Bowel Syndrome Fatigue Bladder Irritability Insomnia Numbness and Tingling in Extremities Headaches Non-restorative Sleep Circulatory Problems Cold Intolerance
Morning Stiffness
What are the risk factors for getting arthritis? Age Sex Genetics Injury Overweight Smoking
When should you visit your doctor for all those aches and pains? Swelling in one or more joints. Early morning stiffness. Recurring pain or tenderness in any joint. Inability to move a joint normally. Obvious redness and warmth in a joint. Unexplained weight loss, fever or weakness combined with joint pain. Symptoms that last more than two weeks.
Learn About Your Illness
Six Steps to Living With Arthritis Choose positive activities. Laugh. Learn about your particular type of arthritis. Partner with medical advisors. Build a support system. Set goals.
Prevent Disability Improve your ability. Make the task easier.
Keep Osteoarthritis From Becoming A Disability Exercise Protect Joints Control Weight Good Nutrition Join a Support Group Medications Assistive Devices