Monday 18th August
No lockers will be issued until all keys have been returned. All Year Groups Locker Keys A number of pupils did not return their locker keys before the end of term. You must return them as a matter of URGENCY! No lockers will be issued until all keys have been returned.
Seniors Volleyball Club Clubs Seniors Volleyball Club Miss Dickman Tonight 3.00pm S5/6 only PE Dept
Eco-committee meeting Committees Eco-committee meeting Could the Eco pilots please attend a meeting in Mrs Summers Maths room Tomorrow (Tuesday) Period 4 Please register with your P4 class teachers and then come to Maths 8.
S5/6 Higher PE Pupils Could all Higher PE pupils ensure that they return their consent forms for walking to the Sports Centre as a matter of urgency to ensure that they do not miss and time in the Sports Centre. If any Higher PE pupils do not yet have a consent form they must go to the school office and request one as soon as possible. All forms must be returned by Tuesday the 19th August.
S2 Swimming All pupils must return their consent forms for swimming as a matter of urgency to ensure that classes do not miss any time in the swimming pool.
S1 Swimming All pupils must return their consent forms for swimming as a matter of urgency to ensure that classes do not miss any time in the swimming pool. School of Sport The Evening Times captured 1st year School of Sport pupils on their first day of training and interviewed several pupils about their sporting ambitions. Check out the article online to see what your classmates had to say!