Teen Pregnancy Teenage pregnancy is defined as an under-aged girl becoming pregnant
Health risks to the Baby Teenage mothers are less likely to gain weight during their pregnancy, which can lead to low birth weight and complications.
Complications of Low Birth Weight Babies Organs that are not fully developed bleeding in the brain respiratory distress syndrome intestinal problems
Teen mothers tend to have poor eating habits Teens are less likely to take recommended daily multivitamins to maintain a good nutrition diet More likely to smoke, drink, or take drugs during pregnancy
Teenage mothers are less likely to seek regular prenatal care
Need for Pre-natal care Essential for monitoring the growth of the fetus Keeping the mother's weight in check Advising the mother on nutrition and how she should take care of herself to ensure a healthy pregnancy According to the American Medical Association, babies born to women who do not have regular prenatal care are 4 times more likely to die before the age of 1 year.
Children Born to Teen Mothers more likely to experience social, emotional, and other problems less likely to receive proper nutrition, health care, and cognitive and social stimulation may have an underdeveloped intellect and attain lower academic achievement.
at greater risk for abuse and neglect. Boys born to teenage mothers are 13% more likely to be incarcerated. Girls born to teenage mothers are 22% more likely to become teenage mothers.
Teens Emotional reactions when pregnant Not Wanting the Baby I. ABORTION- removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death. II. ADOPTION- legal act of permanently placing a child with parents other than the birth parents III. Killing the baby, if no one knows she is pregnant
Other reactions view the creation of a child as an achievement keep a child to please another family member want a baby to have someone to love depression is also common among pregnant teens may become overwhelmed by guilt, anxiety, and fears about the future
Youngest Mother in the World Peruvian five-year-old Lina Medina, accompanied by her 11-month-old-son Gerardo, and Doctor Lozada who attended her son's birth, are shown in this 1940 file photo taken in Lima's hospital. Medina was born on September 27, 1933 in the small village of Paurange. She was only 5 years 8 months old at the birth of her child on Mother's Day, May 14, 1939. Born at full term at Lima's maternity clinic, her child was taken through a caesarian operation (Dr. Lozada and Busalleu, operators, Dr. Colretta, anesthesiologist). The child (boy), weighing 2,700 grams, was well formed and in good health.
Sincere, 11 months old His mom is 17, didn’t finish school lives in a house with 6 other girls with babies, who are under aged. Papi, 3months old his mom is 16, didn’t finish school, lives in a house with 6 other girls with babies too.