Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012 When MIPAS was invented, the ozone hole had not even been discovered. When MIPAS was selected as core payload for the Envisat mission, the ozone-hole hype was very favorable for MIPAS When Envisat was launched, the ozone hole was already understood. But still a lot of useful science could be done with MIPAS!
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012 Tropospheric pollution: O 3, CO, C 2 H 6, C 2 H 2, PAN, HNO 3, HCN, HCOOH, HONO, HNO 4,SO 2 … STE: H 2 O, HDO, CO, CH 4, N 2 O, CFC-11, CFC-12, HCFC-22, pollutants Tape recorder effects: H 2 O, HDO, CO… Brewer Dobson circulation: SF 6 … SME; energetic particles: O 3, HNO 3, NO 2, N 2 O, N 2 O 5, ClONO 2, NO, ClO, HOCl, H 2 O, CO, CH 4, H 2 O 2, … Polar vortex chemistry: O 3, NO 2, NO, HNO 3, N 2 O 5,ClONO 2, HNO 4, ClO, HOCl, H 2 O 2, N 2 O, CH 4, CFC-11, CFC-12. BrONO 2, H2O, PSC… Middle and upper atmosphere: CO, NO, H2O, O 3, PMC …
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012 Tropospheric Pollution C2H6 275 hPa pptv O3 275 hPa ppbv HNO3 275 hPa pptv C2H2 10 km pptv von Clarmann et al. 2007; Gatthor et al, 2009
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012 Funke et al Grutter et al Glatthor et al Glatthor et al CO 9 km ppmv HCN 200 hPa PAN 10 km pptv HCOOH 10 km
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012 STE Processes: MIPAS CO Funke et al., 2009
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012 Tropical tape recorder: H 2 O Tropical tape recorder
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012 Tropospheric pollution: O 3, CO, C 2 H 6, C 2 H 2, PAN, HNO 3, HCN, HCOOH, HONO, HNO 4,SO 2 … STE: H 2 O, HDO, CO, CH 4, N 2 O, CFC-11, CFC-12, HCFC-22, pollutants Tape recorder effects: H 2 O, HDO, CO… Brewer Dobson circulation: SF 6 … SME; energetic particles: O 3, HNO 3, NO 2, N 2 O, N 2 O 5, ClONO 2, NO, ClO, HOCl, H 2 O, CO, CH 4, H 2 O 2, … Polar vortex chemistry: O 3, NO 2, NO, HNO 3, N 2 O 5,ClONO 2, HNO 4, ClO, HOCl, H 2 O 2, N 2 O, CH 4, CFC-11, CFC-12. BrONO 2, H2O, PSC… Middle and upper atmosphere: CO, NO, H2O, O 3, PMC …
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012 Talk by Manuel López-Puertas
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012 Polar vortex chemistry: HOCl
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012 Lessons learned: When you design an instrument, it may be wise not to be over-specific: The success of MIPAS is due to the fact that it could do a lot of things beyond the ozone-hole, whose investigation MIPAS was designed and built for. The research topic of today may be outdated when a new satellite actually will be launched.
Thomas von Clarmann, IMK-ASF, KIT, Karlsruhe Envisat Birthday Party, Florence, 29 February 2012 Be careful: whatever you do in the stratosphere, MIPAS will stand up as witness. THANK YOU!