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Presentation transcript:

Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме: American symbols Учитель английского языка ГБОУ гимназия 295 г. Санкт- Петербург Осипова Наталия Вячеславовна

American symbols

Guess the word magazine aagmznie mentngorev government ttaes state nepapewsr newspaper

Let's read New York France The Statue of Liberty Liberty Island The Star- Spangled Banner

The Stars and Stripes

Fifty states- fifty stars

Thirteen colonies- thirteen stripes

The Statue of Liberty France, 1884

New York, Liberty Island

The Eagle arrows an olive branch

Each state has its own flag.

Agree or disagree You can see the American flag in shops and offices. The Statue of Liberty is in New York on Long Island. There are 13 stripes on the flag. You should display the American flag only during the day. The eagle has an olive branch and an arrow. Every state in the USA has its own flag. The American flag is often called «The Star- Spangled Banner» There are 15 states in America. You can see the eagle on the back of a dollar bill.

Complete the sentences The American flag is called… There are three colours… As there are fifty states in the USA… The flag has thirteen… People can see the American flag… One of the most famous symbols of America is… The statue is in… France gave the statue… The eagle became the official… It has… The national hymn of the USA… Each state has its own…

Ссылки на использованные изображения: 1.Изображение карты колоний http://www.edmaps.com/thirteen_colonies_1760.gif 2. Изображение Статуи свободы http://0.tqn.com/d/architecture/1/0/_/i/Statue_of_Liberty_FREE_l.jpg 3. Изображение острова Свободы http://dic.academic.ru/pictures/wiki/files/76/Liberty_Island.jpg 4. Изображение карты США http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1e/Map_of_USA_showing_state_names.png 5.Изображение флагов штатов http://www.tmealf.com/_berlin/ICV-22-%20Fig%201.jpg 6.Изображение Орел http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/60/US_Seal_Coat_of_Arms.png 7. Изображение флага США http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/usa/images/usa-flags.gif