Take notes on the main characters in Beowulf using the following method: “Quote” (page # line) # Character & Trait Explanation "conceived... of monsters born of Cain"(44 line 20) Grendel- inherently evil According to the Bible, Cain committed the first murder (of his brother Abel). "...snatched up 30 men, smashed them (44 line 37) Grendel-barbaric; brutal murdering is no big deal " delighted with his night's slaughter"(44 line 40) Grendel-sadistic loves murdering; it makes him feel great
Take notes on the main characters in Beowulf using the following method: “Quote” (page # line) # Character & Trait Explanation “I drove five great giants into chains, chased all of that race from the earth” (47 lines 153-155). Beowulf—brave; an accomplished hero Beowulf is telling Hrothgar of his accomplishments—what makes him worthy to fight Grendel. “…he needs no weapons and fears none…”(48 lines 168-9)…”my hands alone shall fight for me…” (48 lines172-3). Beowulf—fair and honorable Because Grendel uses no weapons to fight, neither will Beowulf; he means to fight a fair fight, come what may. “God must decide who will be given to death’s cold grip” (48 lines 174-5). Beowulf--realistic Beowulf knows that he may not win the battle with Grendel; only God can decide who lives and dies.