Native Americans Today: The Aftermath of 500 Years of Genocide
Destruction of the Native American Population: Genocide? 95% of deaths by Old World diseases (smallpox, influenza, and measles) 1492 (Arrival of Columbus) – 1890 (Sioux massacre at Wounded Knee): Indian population declined by 112 million Brazil: Native population declines from 4 million to 300,000 in 400 years
Eradication of Native Americans in the U.S. 1850 – 1890: 45,000 Indians are killed in U.S. 1849 – 1870: 4500 California Indians are killed 2006: 0.8% of U.S. population is of Native American descent
Massacred Sioux at Wounded Knee (1890)
Native California Population (According to Cook, 1978)
Modern Barriers to Economic Development Currently 2.1 million Native Americans in the U.S.– most impoverished of all ethnic groups in U.S. 400,000 reside on reservations Only 40% (220) of 562 federally recognized tribes operate casinos Only 1% own and operate a business Highest teen suicide rate (19 per 100,000) in U.S. Highest teen pregnancy rate in U.S. Highest teen dropout rate (54%) in U.S. Lowest per capita income ($7400) in U.S. Unemployment rates between 50% to 90%
U.S. Federal and State Indian Reservations