‘Stakeholders’ of a business , 2013 Year 10 GCSE Business Studies
Mission Statement
Chain of Production
Opportunity Cost
Survive Make a profit Provide a good service Growth
Learning Objectives £ To recall what a ‘stakeholder’ of a business is, and provide FIVE examples (E-D) ££ To analyse how different stakeholders will be affected by what goes on in a business (C-B) £££ To evaluate the influence that certain stakeholders have on a business (A-A*)
Starter Activity In pairs, come up with as many individuals or groups of people that would be interested or would be affected if Shenfield High School was to start its day at 7.30am. YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES!!!
What are ‘stakeholders’ Individuals/Groups of people directly affected by the activities of a business.
Stakeholder Activity Teachers Students Local Community In groups you are going to become one of these Stakeholders. How will you be affected by this decision? What are your opinions? Teachers Students Local Community Parents of students Bus Company Suppliers Cleaners and other staff
Who will be interested/affected by this situation? Scenario 2 At a recent local council meeting, permission was given for a new Burger King restaurant to be built on the corner of Alexander Lane in Shenfield. Who will be interested/affected by this situation? WHY?
Stakeholders Local Community (residents) McDonalds (Competitors) Shenfield High School Parents Local Council Potential Employees
Activity Welcome to the GREAT debate!!! Burr Properties Ltd wants to build some new flats on some land just at the back of Shenfield High School. You have been called to a meeting to discuss this proposal. You have 5 minutes in your ‘stakeholder’ groups to come up with YOUR opinions – is it a GOOD/BAD idea, and why?
Plenary Business Bingo!!!