Using the ICF model to describe patient function Using the ICF model to describe patient function. This figure demonstrates how a patient’s problems might be placed in the ICF model with the goal of generating hypotheses about the best treatment options. In the case of this patient with osteoarthritis and new hip fracture, the ICF model illustrates how addressing where the patient will live after discharge and how to keep the patient active in the community are as important as improving the patient’s strength and walking ability. Understanding the relationships between the different components and addressing them is the key to successful rehabilitation. (Authors’ own work using WHO ICF model.) Source: Rehabilitation, Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 7e Citation: Halter JB, Ouslander JG, Studenski S, High KP, Asthana S, Supiano MA, Ritchie C. Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 7e; 2017 Available at: Accessed: October 31, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved