Update of cryogenic activities September 13th, 2013 LS1 Committee (LSC) Update of cryogenic activities L. Tavian TE-CRG
Content Update on: QRL compensator bellows DFBA gimbal bellows Major overhauling Various consolidations
The faulty equipment (QRL Line C) Internal ply damage (S45, 14R4) External ply damage (S78, 10R7) Witzenmann DN100 multi-ply bellows compensators (4 plies of 0.3 mm)
QRL Line C compensator x-rays status
Repair plan for QRL compensators Welding of the first compensator started in S81!
Line E and F compensator: FE model C. Garion
Conclusion of FE model C. Garion
The faulty equipment (DFBA) Calorstat DN120 multi-ply gimbal bellows (2 plies of 0.2 mm) DFBAK shuffling module: Internal ply collapsing
DFBA gimbal bellows status for all DFBAs Endoscopic inspection through line M interconnects Thanks to MSC for early opening of M sleeves ! Statistics (total 32 bellows all inspected): 3/32 (9.3 %)
Pictures of the damaged bellows: DFBAF &DFBAI DFBAF lower gimbal DFBAF lower gimbal DFBAI lower gimbal DFBAI lower gimbal
In situ access by cutting the end door: possible solution Gimbal patching (Rigid assembly) Questions/issues: Very limited space to cut/weld the door Cutting and welding of beam pipes to be done in very difficult position Leak tests of beam pipes? Extreme very difficult work positions Safety to be assessed Thanks for EN-MME contribution!
Repair options In situ repair Workshop repair Gimbal position Lower DFBAF & I Upper DFBAK Gimbal patching ++ + +++ Gimbal replacement Splice disconnection / reconnection N/A - Safety for equipment Safety for personnel Probability of success (patching) > 80 % < 50 % 100 % * Probability of success (replacement) Repair time (patching) [week] 6-10 15 Repair time (replacement) [week] 15 to 23** *: without 6 kA splice work uncertainty **: spare delivery time (13-14 week)
Repair strategy 0/ Validate the patching scenario Done for the DFBAK (upper gimbal) acceptable force of +/- 500 N for +/- 4 mm of displacement Still to be done (in the coming days) for DFBAF & DFBAI (lower gimbal) 1/ Start with one lower gimbal in-situ repair (DFBAF or DFBAI) “easier” case 2/ Validate the disconnection & reconnection of 6kA splices 3/ depending of 1/ and 2/ experience return, decide on DFBAK repair (in-situ or in workshop)
Major overhauling Compressors Motors
LS 1 Major overhaul of LHC compressors Done : 26 % In progress : 42% To be done : 32 %
Major overhauling Corrective maintenance within expectation! Scratches on rotors Scratches on sleeve bearings Corrective maintenance within expectation! Scratches on slide valve Recovery of new equipment!
On site maintenance
DFBX current lead controls Flowmeter rack and Piping in UL14 (IP1 L)
Leak on refrigerator cold boxes Cold box P8 : leak on LN2 circuit on the precooler HX Cold box P6 : leak on LP circuit on SS/ALU transition (DN400) Cold box P2 : leak on MP circuit on HX collector Repairs foreseen by end of 2013 !
Conclusion QRL compensator bellows: DFBA gimbal bellows: X-ray is progressing well (~4 sectors done) Statistics are presently encouraging (1 additional damaged bellows found) Repair of the first compensator (S81) has started. If statistics remains low, the repair is compatible with the present sector pressure test schedule. What about Line E/F compensators? X-rays on a sub-sector (~8 compensators) are OK but FE simulation shows a potential risk. DFBA gimbal bellows: Endoscopic inspection completed 3 damaged bellows. In-situ repair via patching could be envisaged for DFBAF and DFBAI (displacement forces to be measured in the coming days) In-situ repair of the DFBAK is not validated (technical and safety issues). Workshop repair required a risk assessment of the splice disconnection/reconnection operation. Resource and schedule still to be consolidated. Major overhauling of compressors and motors is on track. Ramp-up of the on-site maintenance must be carefully followed. DFBX current lead controls consolidation and cold-box leak repair are progressing well