University of Applied Sciences – International Office University of Applied Sciences – Public Administration and Finance Ludwigsburg
Who we are We are a university of Applied Sciences specialized in Public Administration and Finance Faculty 1 offers three Bachelor degrees in: Public Management General Financial Administration Pension Insurance Management Faculty 2 offers one bachelor degree in: Tax Administration
Who we are We also offer two Master degrees: Master of European Public Administration Master of Public Management All our students have the status of civil servants until revoked, they receive a remuneration during their studies. With their bachelor degree they qualify for the upper grade civil service.
International Office Help and support for refugees by our students: German language courses Integration courses Leisure offers: sports (football, volleyball and swimming) Office products
German Language Courses Approximately 30 students of our university are teaching in small groups the German language to refugees and support external educational institutions like USS GmbH, Deutsch-Richtig e.V. etc.
Integration Students accompany refugees whilst going to public administrations and offices by helping to organize different kind of paperwork.
Leisure offers (sports) Integration of refugees into student football and volleyball teams. Refugees can also use the indoor swimming pool to learn and practice swimming.
Questions? Contact: Dorothee Staiger International Office Tel.: 07141 140 545 Room: 4.139
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