Input Flow Diagram Output Doc’s Who Start End Rectorate: DVC: BDF Department: TUT-CE Process: Offering of SLP Procedure: Registration of SLP Date : 22 September 2010 Page 1 of 1 Purpose of procedure: The purpose of this procedure is to offer guidance on the to staff on the short learning programme process flow. Scope of procedure: This procedure is applicable to all TUT staff who envisage to offer SLPs Definitions: Definitions: Definitions: AC( Academic Committee), CDS( Curriculum Development and Support), DQP( Directorate of Quality and Promotion), TUT-CE( Tshwane University of Technology Continuing Education) Input Flow Diagram Output Doc’s Who Start 1. Idea generated from TUT-CE or Department N/A N/A TUT-CE, Department or Originator 2. Design and development of SLP with TUT-CE, Dean, Department, subject matter specialist and relevant stakeholders. 1st Draft Business Plan, F90, Application for SLP on ITS, Senate Approval Form Identified a need to review the process of registering an SLP 3. Dean approves SLP content, staff profile, workload and performance. No 1st Draft Dean Yes 4. TUT-CE – SLP Manages registration and compliance process. TUT-CE Design SLP in consultation with CDS. 2nd Draft Business Plan, F90, Application for SLP on ITS, Senate Approval Form, Design & Compliance Template CDS, DQP Approval Template TUT-CE & CDS Quality assurance by DQP. 2nd Draft TUT-CE & DQP Criteria met No Yes Executive Dean/Director/Executive Director/DVC Final Draft 5. Executive Dean/Director/Executive Director/DVC approves. Credit bearing No Yes Academic Committee Final Draft 6. Academic committee approves. 7. Senate/ Senex ratifies. Final Draft Senate/Senex TUT-CE manages: Student registration, database, marketing, finance & admin and certification [Results for certification are received (where required)]. TUT-CE and Registrars Environment Certificates are issued. End Procedure owner: TUT-CE Checked by: DQP Date : 22 September 2010 Copyrights: TUT-CE