Using Effective Practitioner: Supporting Bank Staff Presenters: Marianne Murdoch (NES Practice Educator) Joan Main (NHS Fife Nurse Bank Manager) Liz Hendry (NHS Fife Bank Nurse) Julie Smith (NHS Fife PEF)
Why? Identified need: Bank staff development Hard to reach group No access to eKSF Part time workers
What we did Project team formed ALL NHS Fife Bank Staff Nurses and Midwives targeted Support project planning and provide formal education sessions Letter explaining benefits of Effective Practitioner Effective Practitioner ‘Introductory Guide’ Invite to an Effective Practitioner’ educational session Received education on Effective Practitioner Supported and signposted staff within clinical areas
Effective Practitioner Resources Getting Started Leaflets/Booklets Effective Practitioner Merchandise. Search Tool Videos Self Assessment Tools Printed resources from website
Evaluation Session evaluation form Bank nurse telephone interviews Project positive impact
Positive Aspects Leaflets were helpful Novice – masters level Can be accessed from home Positive Aspects No password needed Practical session Provides evidence CPD/PREP Availability bank facilitator
‘Challenges’ Challenges EP layout Length of Self-assessment Release of staff Lack of IT skills Challenges Lack of time IT access No clinical information
Lessons Learned Practitioners time Payment & backfill Time Desire to learn
Next steps/Future opportunities Continued support bank nurse Continued promotion of Effective Practitioner to all staff Promotion of Effective Practitioner via text Effective Practitioner sessions