Bronx After-School Programs, Where are they? Hindia Omar-Miller
Bronx After-School Programs, where are they? There are 309 after-school programs in the Bronx! Does the income play a part in where these after-school programs get placed?
Bronx After-School Programs, where are they? According to the United States Census data the poorest of groups have an one or under income to poverty ratio Or Ratios below 1.00 indicate that the income is below the official definition of poverty, while a ratio of 1.00 or greater indicates income above the poverty level. A ratio of 1.25, for example, indicates that income was 125 percent above the appropriate poverty threshold” (U.S. Census Bureau, 2004)
Bronx After-School Programs, where are they? The map displays the concentrations of those that have an income to poverty ratio one or under. The lighter brown symbolizes less concentrations of the poorest of the poor The darker brown symbolizes concentrations of the poorest
Bronx After-School Programs, where are they? Most of the Bronx after-school programs are located in the Southern and Eastern part of the Bronx.
Bronx After-School Programs, where are they? Sources Bytes of Big Apple Lehman College 2010 United States Census NYC Department for Youth and Community Development