Translate -------> **TURN IN YOUR HOMEWORK** El 15 de abril, 2015 Translate -------> **TURN IN YOUR HOMEWORK**
Palabra del día Look at the “palabra del día”. Read the example sentence and try to figure out what it means. Write your best guess below your warm up, and explain why that is your best guess.
PEER COLLABORATION!! You and your classmates are going to write a dialogue together using your newest vocabulary (so take out that sheet that I gave you!).
Here’s what you need to know: We have to have 3 characters. 2 will be customers at a restaurant, one will be the waiter. The customers will need to order something and the waiter will need to get at least one thing wrong. Resolve the conflict!
Using the same criteria as the group assignment, write your own! Now it’s your turn: Using the same criteria as the group assignment, write your own!