Morgan Yard’s Career Path


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Presentation transcript:

Morgan Yard’s Career Path How to become a Veterinarian

My Career Goals I want to become a Veterinarian by 2025 To get there, I will need to: Graduate high school by June 2019 I will need to focus on sciences and math. Also doing some volunteering with the SPCA or other animal shelters will get me some extra experience. Must be disciplined and focus the majority of my time on my studies.

What is a Veterinarian? A Veterinarians job is to treat and save different animals as small as hamsters to as big as elephants. At this job you will give animals check ups, research diseases and do surgeries.

About my future career This job is done in either an Animal Hospital or a Veterinary clinic The salary for this job is about 50,000 to 150,000 a year depending on what type of veterinarian and how long one has been working. A veterinarian works up top 50 hours a week meaning that they work probably about 6- 8 hours a day.

My job has a 3.8% chance of becoming automated I think that the job of a Veterinarian is hands on. Vets need to be able to see the problem which cannot been seen be a robot, at least not anytime soon. Also, animals may get very frightened by the machine so having a person there is much better.

Veterinarian would be great for me because… I am very good with animals and I love them. Dealing with the death of animals is very hard but I think that I will be able to deal with it.

I am not quite ready for this career, but I will get there! These are skills for the job I still need to learn: This is how I will get those necessary skills: I will need to do some volunteering with different types of animals. How to treat different types of animals. How to be able to talk to the owners of the animals I must practice my people skills and learn the proper protocol How to properly give bad news if necessary 

This is what appeals to me with this career… Being able to work with animals on a daily basis would be amazing because I have always had a passion for animals and any thing dealing with anatomy and health. Also having the chance to possibly travel really intrigues me, I love to explore new places and it would be very interesting to see animals that one would not see in Canada.

These are some things I find less appealing about this career… Losing an animal would be very heart breaking especially after working so hard to save its life. I would probably find it very frustrating and it would make me upset but at the end of the day trying your hardest id what counts.

Potential obstacles to getting this career The possible obstacles: My plan to overcome them: May not get good grades Work very hard in school, every grade counts May become uninterested in specialty Remember that sometimes it take a while to become in love with something May fail Get back up and try again

Potential obstacles to being successful within this career The possible obstacles: My plan to overcome them: There will be lots of competition I just need to keep going, if I give up I will not succeed and I need to try to thrive with what I get. May not get the job that I want May not get paid as much as I want at the beginning

The training/education required for my career is: I will need to have finished high school and go to University. At university I need to do the Veterinary Sciences program to obtain my DVSc (Doctor of Veterinary Science) degree.

I intend to go to University of Guelph for that career This University is location in Guelph, Ontario, Canada I would like to take the Pre-Veterinary and Veterinary Medicine courses at the Ontario Veterinary College I will earn my DVSc Degree This will take a minimum of 6 years Costing up to $60,000

Here is where I can get that: Admission requirements: Required courses when in the program:

Financial Plan I am going to pay for my program: I Plan to work very hard at my job to get most of the money required for this program, but my parents will pay for the other part. During university, I will get a job to cover living costs and things such as food and clothing.

High school courses required Grade 11 courses: Grade 12 courses: Pre-Calculus Biology Calculus Chemistry Physics English

Veterinarian’s are awesome!!! I am excited to learn about different types of animal especially anatomy. I also am excited to interact with the animals as well and learn from the people in the veterinary field. Fun Things about being a Vet: Working and playing with animals Possible travel You get money doing something you love to do!