B States at the Tevatron


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Presentation transcript:

B States at the Tevatron Matthew Jones Purdue University/CDF February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

The Goals of Heavy Flavor Physics Is the CKM matrix unitary? Is it the source of CP violation seen in the Kaon system? circa 1996 hep-ph/9612327 February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

The Goals of Heavy Flavor Physics New The Goals of Heavy Flavor Physics New Physics: Expect many new phases in quark couplings Should be manifest at some level in heavy flavor decays Could be used to probe details of flavor structure in new physics scenarios Will require determining heavy flavor matrix elements with great precision Lattice QCD HQET (and kin) February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

hep-lat/0510113 Physical light quark masses Physical heavy quark masses Lattice QCD ChPT HQET (small lattice spacing) (large lattice volume) Symanzik-improved staggered quarks NRQCD Gold plated processes: At most one hadron in initial and final state. Particularly well suited for heavy hadron masses. February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

A B Orbitally excited B mesons New B-flavored baryons Λb lifetime CP B s Orbitally excited B mesons New B-flavored baryons Λb lifetime Bc mass and lifetime February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

P-Wave B Mesons eg, Godfrey & Isgur, Phys. Rev. D32, 132 (1985). Also, Falk and Mehen, Phys. Rev. D53, 231 (1996). 45 MeV photon (unreconstructed) February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

P-Wave B Mesons overlaps with direct Using B+  J/ψK+, D0π, D03π: Published PRL 99, 172001 (2007) overlaps with direct February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

P-Wave B0s Mesons Kaon ID: dE/dx + Time-of-Flight 95±23 36±9 hep-ex/0710.4199, Accepted by PRL hep-ex/0711.0319, Accepted by PRL 125±25 B*s2B+K- decays (25±10) February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

Production Rates from DØ: P-Wave B Mesons Properties: Production Rates from DØ: February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

B-flavored Baryons Isospin Strangeness Spin 1/2 ground state Using fully reconstructed Λb decays Excited spin 3/2 state Using clean J/ψ signal ??? February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

Observation of Σb at CDF Analysis optimization Discriminating variables for pT(Σb) Pion impact parameter Angular information in decay 3180±60 ΛbΛ+cπ- decays in 1 fb-1 Signal from Monte Carlo Background from Q sidebands, away from expected signal region. February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

Observation of Σb at CDF Signal region chosen based on theoretical expectations (HQET): Dominant background from Λb with a random track. February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

Observation of Σb at CDF Within 2 MeV of predicted splitting... arXiv:hep-ph/0307243 arXiv:hep-ph/0611306 Published PRL 99, 202001 (2007) February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

Observation of Challenge: low pT, displaced track from CDF: dedicated tracking of Ξ- in silicon detector DØ: dedicated track reconstruction algorithm February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

Ξb Observation Prediction based on same technique as Σb-Λb prediction: Published: PRL 99, 052002 (2007) Prediction based on same technique as Σb-Λb prediction: Clean enough to consider lifetime measurements? Published: PRL 99, 052001 (2007) (arXiv:0706.2163) February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

B-baryon Lifetimes 1.00 OPAL, 96 0.97 CDF, 96 0.94 ALEPH, 98 Theory Experiment, ΛbΛc+ℓ-X 1.00 0.97 0.94 0.90 0.86 OPAL, 96 CDF, 96 ALEPH, 98 DELPHI, 99 DØ, 2007 Reaching agreement? February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

Most precise measurements to date New Measurements Theory Experiment, ΛbJ/ψΛ 1.00 0.97 0.94 0.90 0.86 DØ, 2007 CDF, 2007 Most precise measurements to date Maybe... maybe not... February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

DØ Analysis of ΛbJ/ψΛ 171±20 Λb decays 717±38 B0J/ψ K0s Consistent with PDG average. Published: Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 142001 (2007). February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

CDF Analysis of ΛbJ/ψΛ 538±38 3.2σ higher than world average February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

CDF Analysis of ΛbJ/ψΛ Lifetimes in many other decay modes consistent with world averages No evidence for bias due to decay topology Some, but not all, systematic effects may be correlated with result from DØ. CDF and DØ results differ by only 2.3σ... Precise, independent measurements would benefit both theory and experiment. February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

CDF: Exclusive decay Blind search, optimized using B+J/ψK+ as proxy for B-c decay. Precise mass measurement: Lattice prediction: hep-lat/0411027 February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

DØ Observation of DØ 1.3 fb-1 54 ±12 events Preliminary: February 22, 2008 DØ 1.3 fb-1 54 ±12 events Now using 3D impact parameter significance: Blind search using B+J/ψK+ as proxy for Bc Corrected for observed mass biases, consistent with CDF result. February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

DØ: Bc Lifetime Reconstruct J/ψμ+μ-, add a third track (includes ) Reconstruct J/ψμ+μ-, add a third track Apply muon ID, pT and vertexing requirements Significant evidence for semileptonic Bc decays February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

DØ: Bc Lifetime Backgrounds constrained by M(J/ψμ) Prediction from QCD sum rules: hep-ph/0308214 Consistent with previous measurements. Most precise measurement to date. February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

Summary from CDF and DØ New B states observed over the past year: No surprises: all were expected to exist Demonstrates the power of a hadron collider for heavy flavor physics B hadron lifetimes: Continue to be quite interesting! Lifetimes of newly observed baryons possible, but challenging Bc increasingly well characterized February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

Backup Material February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

The Experiments 8x12 layer drift chamber, |η|<1 Muon coverage |η|<1 Triggers: 20 kHz Level 1 rate Di-muon, pT>1.5 GeV Displaced tracks 8x2 layer fiber tracker, |η|<2 Muon coverage |η|<2 Triggers: 2 kHz Level 1 rate Single muon, pT> 3 GeV Di-muon, pT > 2 GeV February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008

... but superb rapidity coverage! Exclusive B Decays 23,300 B+  J/ K+ from 1.3 fb-1 51,500 B+  J/ K+ from 1.5 fb-1 (18,000 per fb-1) (34,000 per fb-1) σ ~ 40 MeV/c2 σ ~ 10 MeV/c2 ... but superb rapidity coverage! February 28, 2008 La Thuile, 2008