Vector meson photoproduction 2018-06-26 Vector meson photoproduction Electromagnetic structure of spin-1 vector boson 2014 8. 28 CLAS WORKSHOP@KNU B. G. Yu & K.-J. Kong (Korea Aerospace Univ.)
Photoproduction of charged
Charged process
Reggeization: charged case
Reggeization: neutral case
Photoproduction of
2018-06-26 Summary & Perspective
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EM structure of charged vector meson
Motivation Why vector meson photoproduction ? 2018-06-26 Motivation Why vector meson photoproduction ? Study electromagnetic structure of spin-1 vector boson Charge + magnetic dipole moment + electric quadrupole moment Study N* resonances associated with strangeness production rho(770) thres. energy W ~ 1.7 GeV ; nucleon poles are far below the threshold & N* resonances apparent from PDG. K*(892) thres. energy W ~ 2 GeV ; no N* resonances from PDG. Charged process is special ; dominated by t-ch. vector meson exch. Neutral process is special ; dominated by t-ch. Pomeron exch. Effective Lagrangian approach with cpl.const. within physical range Production mechanism of charged process not understood yet due to a difficulty in gauge prescription for spin-1 vector boson exch.
Summary & Perspective Why K* Lambda photoproduction ? 2018-06-26 Summary & Perspective Why K* Lambda photoproduction ? =A good place to study K* meson properties Decisive role of the vector meson with magnetic dipole moment + electric quadrupole moment - sign & magnitude of magnetic dipole - gauge prescription = on-shell + transversality Clean background to investigate EM properties of vector meson - dominating t-ch. meson exchange ; K*(892) + K(494) - Rho + (Delta + N*) ---- K* + (… ) Extraction of EM form factor of K* from electroproduction Reggeized meson exchanges at forward angle ====================
K*Lambda cross section @CLAS/JLab (hep-ex/0601010) 2018-06-26 K*Lambda cross section @CLAS/JLab (hep-ex/0601010)
K*Sigma+ cross section @CLAS/JLab PRC75,042201(2007)
K*Sigma+ cross section @CBELSA/TAPS EPJA35,333(2009) 2018-06-26 K*Sigma+ cross section @CBELSA/TAPS EPJA35,333(2009)
Photoproduction amplitude
2018-06-26 Model calculation Q. Zhao et al., PRC64 052201(2001)
K*Sigma+ cross section 2018-06-26 K*Sigma+ cross section
Model calculation Oh & Kim PRC73,065202 (2006)
2018-06-26 Model calculation S. Ozaki et al., PRC81 035206 (2010)
Effective Lagrangians 2018-06-26 Effective Lagrangians
Photon-V-V vertex
2018-06-26 Pole model Photoproduction current
2018-06-26 Gauge invariance I
2018-06-26 Gauge invariance II
Coupling constants
Rho+ model II
Rho- model II
K* model I
K* model II
Cutoff-dependence model II
K+K*+contact term model II
Differential cross sections model II
Photoproduction amplitude 2018-06-26 Photoproduction amplitude
2018-06-26 Gauge invariance
2018-06-26 Regge model
Photoproduction amplitude
Angular Distrib. K*Lambda Numerical results Angular Distrib. K*Lambda
Angular distrib. & Total cross section
Angular distrib. & Photon polarization
Summary & perspective gamma p K* Lambda ~ t-ch. meson exch. 2018-06-26 Summary & perspective gamma p K* Lambda ~ t-ch. meson exch. Pole model + Reggeized t-ch. Pole complementary to each other to investigate production mechanism. 3. Magnetic dipole moment of K* meson crucial to explain experiment. 4. Y* resonance in the u-ch. base for studying Y* in the backward region. 5. Extension to electroproduction advantageous to extract EM form factors of the spin-1 K* vector meson. -------------
Exchange Degeneracy Duality of s-ch. resonance to t-ch. Regge pole 2018-06-26 Exchange Degeneracy Duality of s-ch. resonance to t-ch. Regge pole