e-Commerce By: Mariel Leynes
History of e-Commerce Samuel Morse sent a telegraph message in 1944. Sears began telephone permitted electronic voice transactions The roots of E-Commerce was said to have began after Samuel Morse sent a telegraph message in 1844, allowing places like New York and other European countries to exchange price information with each other. Retail companies like Sears began telephone permitted electronic voice transaction, which expanded their methods of selling goods.
e-Commerce The type of business model or segment of a larger business model, that enables a firm or individual to conduct business over an electronic network, typically the internet. E-Commerce is defined differently by people, but according to Investopedia, e-Commerce as a type of business model, that enables a firm or individual to conduct business over an electronic network, typically the internet.
Four Major Market Segment Transaction B2B (Business to Business) B2C (Business to Consumer) C2B (Consumer to Business) C2C (Consumer to Consumer) There are four major market transactions that is commonly conducted in an e-commerce activity. These are the B2B, B2C, C2B, and the C2C transactions. B2B, which means Business to Business transaction is where companies conduct business with each other. A common example of this transaction is the Dell and WalMart business deals. B2C, also known as Business to Consumer is the most common business transaction in an the e-Commerce world. Consumers look and buy stuff form a reputable company. C2B, or Consumer to Business is not really a common scene in an e-Commerce business but the main concept here is a consumer posts a project outline in the internet and bids it overtime, and the company who won the bid can finish the proposal and use it for the company’s benefit. C2C or Consumer to Consumer is the second common e-Commerce scenario around. The use of websites such as e-Bay and Amazon which let’s people to bid and sell their goods with other consumers.
The Concept of e-Commerce
The Lure of e-Commerce Lower transaction costs Larger purchases per transaction Integration into the business cycle People can shop in different ways Larger catalogs Improved customer interactions
Disadvantages of e-Commerce Lack of a business model. Lack of trust and key public infrastructure. Slow navigation in the Internet. High risk of buying unsatisfactory products. Lack of security.