What we did and how we monitored the effectiveness A study on the effect of introducing learner autonomy on student engagement and achievement in Level 3 Engineering laboratories Dr Karen Vernon-Parry and Asweni Jose (student) Background Labs are required component of accredited engineering degrees. Labs enable students to "explore the relationship between conceptual models and real engineering systems" [1] - required component of accredited engineering degrees. 100 level 3 students on Engineering and Maths extended degree do a practical labs module. Need to stretch more able students while supporting those earlier in their progression to independent learner status Due to timetabling constraints, some students do lab before theory introduced in lectures and some after. Results The maximum score possible was 3. A lower "Difference" score indicates greater increase in understanding semester 1 semester 2 most autonomy What we did and how we monitored the effectiveness Introduced varying degrees of freedom in experimental design for the 6 labs in second semester Used self-generated identity (SGID) codes to enable longitudinal study [2] of effectiveness of lab before versus after lecture. Short multiple choice test at beginning and end of each experiment to give quantitative data second half of semester 1 [49 students] first half of semester 2 [51 students] Semi-structured interviews held by student researcher with students and staff for feedback on their experience of the two different approaches to lab methodology There is a correlation between a lower "Difference" score and increased autonomy Participants said... “I learned from it, rather than just copying it down from the sheet” [student A] “The students are now engaging better ...and as they need to think about it, they're having more collaboration with their group members” [lecturer] “... prefer semester two more because it makes you think more and makes you learn” [student B] Conclusions Greater autonomy in lab design increased depth of learning Use of SGID codes increased student participation Students generally showed increased depth in understanding if lab done after lecture Further work Repeat structured labs in S1 to build students' confidence and the "more autonomy" labs in S2 to build independent thought and encourage critical reflection Use MCQs for all groups of students in S1 and S2 using SGID codes for longitudinal study - refine research methodology to improve statistical robustness References 1. IMechE (2013). The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Academic Accreditation Guidelines. [on-line at] http://www.imeche.org/docs/default-source/tapd/acd001-annex-1-academic-accreditation-guidelines.doc?sfvrsn=4 2. Garvey Wilson, A.L. (2010) Annals of Epidemiology, 20 (12), 931-938