Distance Education Information Session Wednesday, August 27, 2015 Plagiarism and the Proper Use of Sources Resources for Students (consider posting links on the course syllabus) Extension School website http://www.extension.harvard.edu/resources/career-academic-resource-center/plagiarism- proper-use-sources Tutorials (15 minutes each, anonymous) http://www.quiz-creator.com/qms/quiz.php?u474221q29156v3362566176 http://www.quiz-creator.com/qms/quiz.php?u474221q29155v1365631386 Career and Academic Resource Center (register students and alumni) Free academic workshops http://www.extension.harvard.edu/resources/career-academic-resource-center Writing Center (Grossman Library, Sever Hall) http://www.extension.harvard.edu/resources/writing-center Dean of Students Office Notice to all students every term about standards of academic conduct and available resources.
Suspected Cases of Academic Dishonesty Contact Shirley Greene, assistant dean of students and alumni affairs 617-998-8557 greene@dcemail.Harvard.edu Robert Neugeboren, dean of students 617-495-1765 neugebor@fas.Harvard.edu Informal discussion, formal review by the Administrative Board Range of sanctions Scratch, remand to instructor, required to withdraw, registration privileges suspended