Meeting the Needs of Special Needs Students in the Distance Education Setting Maureen Waller, MSN, RN
Important Points for Educators There are legal foundations to support consideration of special needs students in distance education Educators should be driven to accommodate the needs of special learners; such accommodations improve the course for all students Accommodations should be built in at the beginning rather than added
Legal Foundations IDEA Act Free appropriate public education to individuals with physical, cognitive, social impairment Includes individuals with speech, hearing, vision and language issues Behavioral and emotional issues are included
Legal Foundations Expanded to include early intervention and preschool programs Includes parent Support
Types of Accommodations Physical Learning Visual Hearing Emotional
Challenges to Special Learners Accessing written materials Performing activities outside of the course structure Clearly seeing items in online formats Watching/listening to media added to online formats without captions Synchronous activities
Strategies for Educators Build accommodations into the course Be available to students—frequent online communications 24 hours turn around for questions Allow extra time for assignments as needed Make syllabus available online early so that students can determine if they can be successful for the course assignments
Strategies for Educators Encourage special needs students to utilize special student services and resources through the educational institution Develop learning activities to meet the learning styles of all students Provide a variety of learning activities to accommodate the strengths of all students
Strategies for Educators Most importantly, educators should make accommodations in their Face-to-Face and online courses to promote the success of all students. There are laws telling educators we need to make accommodations, but educators should want to build courses that will promote the success of all students, no matter what format the courses are offered in.