Teaching 4-Hers skills to last a lifetime
What is Life 101? Day long summer program for 7th-12th graders to learn basic life skills such as budgeting, applying for financial aid, map reading , table manners, car care etc.
Why Life 101? Because “ adulting” has become a verb To do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as: a 9-5 job, a mortgage, a car payment or anything else that makes one think of grown-ups.
Schedule Time Topic Speaker 9:00-9:30 Welcome 9:30-10:00 You and Money Rachel Hubbard, Lanier Co. Extension Family and Consumer Science Agent 10:00-10:30 Financial Aid 101 Brian Woodard, Valdosta State University Financial Aid Advisor 10:30-10:45 Break 10:45-11:15 Ironing, Laundry, & Sewing Basics Jenna Boiling & Jane Sirmans, Lanier County 4-H Volunteers 11:15- 12:00 Basic Car Care- Stephen Chadwick , Owner Chadwick Collison 12:30-1:00 The High Cost of Crime Lanier County Sheriff's Department
Schedule Time Topic Speaker 1:00-1:30 Sign Your Name Here: Legal Contracts John W. Strickland, JR , Attorney 1:30-2:00 The Lost Art of Map Reading Julia Steed, Lanier County 4-H Agent 2:00-2:30 Taxes Erin Watson- Certified Public Accountant 2:30-2:45 Break 2:45-3:15 The High Cost of Probation Scott Sellers, Community Supervision Officer 2 3:15- 3:45 Job Interview Skills Julia Steed Lanier County 4-H Agent 3:45-4:00 Wrap up and evaluation
For 2017… Two day program Additional topics Basic Cooking skills Social etiquette Emailing and address envelopes Resume writing Social media use
Life 101 in your county Decide what topics you would like to cover Facebook poll! Recruit volunteers from the community to present Charge a small fee