numbers that prove a point Stats numbers that prove a point
How Equal is the United States? There are different ways to answer one problem Maps Charts Source: 1) U.S. Census Bureau Center for Economi11c Studies. 2)
Source: U. S. Census Bureau Center for Economi11c Studies. www. ces Source: U.S. Census Bureau Center for Economi11c Studies.
Different Graph Types Line graphs Histograms Scatter plots Good to show change over time e.g. Zimbabwe Histograms Scatter plots Gapminder Populations Pyramids Percent of population who are males on one side, females on the other Interesting in cases of war, famine, or other demographic phenomenon Use to compare life expectancy
Where to find your stats: World Bank Development Indicators 854 indicators for each country, only free if you go through CU library United Nations Development Program More statistical indicators, easy to compare with other countries World Health Organization health indicators with maps, data bases by major health categories Inter-American Development Bank Latin American and the Caribbean City Population Population statistics from around the world Any others?
Other fun things BBC Country Profile National Geographic Music Use for: a great overview of country and links to the country’s media sources National Geographic Music listen to samples of music from any country in the WORLD!