Galactic Gamma-Ray Transients with AGILE A. Chen on behalf of the AGILE Team 7th AGILE Workshop ESRIN, 30 September, 2009
Continuous monitoring of sources in the FOV AGILE capabilities Continuous monitoring of sources in the FOV SAA and Earth occultation Good sensitivity near 100 MeV Simultaneous hard X-ray and gamma-ray monitoring Ideal for Microquasar studies
The AGILE 1-day exposure (E > 100 MeV) (30 Nov. 2008)
AGILE-GRID telemetry on Nov. 3, 2008
AGILE gamma-ray map, Nov. 3, 2008
a comparison: 1-day exposure AGILE (GRID) FERMI (LAT) FOV (sr) 2.5 sky coverage 1/5 whole sky Source livetime fraction ~ 0.5 ~ 0.16 1-day exposure (30 degree off-axis, 100 MeV) ~ 2 107 cm2 sec ~ (1-2) 107 cm2 sec Attitude fixed variable
~1 day livetime for any source FERMI AGILE
~1 day livetime for any source FERMI AGILE
AGILE, Galactic Center Region at 100 and 400 MeV E >100 MeV E >400 MeV
E >100 MeV E > 1 GeV
Example of the Super-AGILE View of the Galactic Plane (3 Example of the Super-AGILE View of the Galactic Plane (3.6 days, l=337, b=8)
Galactic Center as seen by SuperAGILE Ginga 1826-24 Sco X-1 GX 17+2 AX J1749.1-2639 GX 5-1 4U 1820-303 GRS 1758-258 Daily variability in the Galactic Center Ginga 1826-24 4U 1820-303 GX 17+2 GRS 1758-258 Sco X-1 GX 1+4 9 Days Integration
Galactic sources: main topics and discoveries 10 new Pulsars Discovery of new gamma-ray sources and gamma-ray transients in the Galaxy Microquasar studies, Gamma-ray emission from Gal. compact objects Colliding wind systems SNRs and origin of cosmic rays
AGILE Galactic gamma-ray transient candidates
GRID: critical issues Source confusion Uncertainties in diffuse Galactic emission model (dark clouds, other effects…) Particle background Quicklook issues “spotting” transients efficient alerts statistical fluctuations
N° Telegram Data Source coordinate l b 1848 17-Nov-08 AGL J2021+4032 78.3 2.1 1827 4-Nov-08 AGL J2030+4043 79.44 0.85 1592 26-giu 3C 454.3 86.11 -38.18 1585 23-giu AGL2021+4029 78.31 2.05 1583 17-giu Mrk 421 179.83 65.03 1582 W Comae 201.73 83.2 1581 16-giu 1574 12-giu Mkn 421 1547 27-mag Cygnus 77.9 2.6 1545 1492 28-apr 78.01 2.19 1445 27-mar IGR J17473-2721 1.55 0.51 1436 20-mar PKS 1510-08 351.28 40.13 1428 17-mar SAX J1750.8-2900 0.49 -0.94 1394 22-feb Musca 312.2 -0.3 1320 04-dic 75.0 -0.4 1308 27-nov 1300 22-nov 1278 14-nov 1221 21-set TXS 0716+714 143.98 28.01 1199 31-ago 351.1 39.7 1167 02-ago 1160 27-lug
Cygnus Region Carina Region Galactic Center
Galactic gamma-ray transients: an AGILE discovery Cygnus region Carina region Crux region AGILE observes variability and detects new transients on time scales of 1 day at flux levels of 10-6 cm-2s-1 even in crowded, high diffuse emission Galactic plane regions. NO detectable simultaneous hard X-ray emission (F < 20-30 mCrab, 18-60 keV, 1-day integration)
AGILE surprises NO simultaneous strong HARD X-RAY emission (no accreting micro-qso’s in strong outburst) !!! in general, no obvious X-ray source or INTEGRAL sources some SWIFT follow-ups: no detection, except one. but…Eta-Car example: colliding wind binary outburst (?!)
Energetics… Gamma-ray luminosity above 100 MeV L = (a few) x 1034 d2kpc erg/s Compatible with CWB expectations Possible new class of (non-accreting or low X-ray) sources
Micro-QSO studies Cyg X-1 Cyg X-3 GRS 1915+105 SS 433 ….
Cygnus region
Cyg X-3
AGILE and Cygnus X-3 AGILE detects several gamma-ray flares from Cygnus X-3, and also weak persistent emission above 100 MeV very interesting correlations with radio and X-ray states gamma-ray flares usually before radio flares
example: very strong radio flare of Cygnus X-3 in April 2008 Strong radio-flare reaching ~20 Jy on Apr. 18, 2008 (RATAN) good exposure by AGILE before, during and after the radio flare, both in hard X-rays and gamma-rays gamma-ray flare detected at the onset of the radio flare
very strong radio flare, presumably with jet ejection strong gamma-ray flare X-ray (1-10 keV) flare Hard X-ray flux state change (Super-A monitoring)
Cygnus X-3 and other micro-qso’s Encouraging prospects for gamma-ray flares from other microquasars Long timescale multiwavelength monitoring crucial radio, X, gamma
Transient in the Cygnus Region Nov 18-28, 2007 Transient, 24 Nov. 07
AGLJ2022+3622 -- Light Curve
AGLJ2022+3622 -- Possible Source Counterparts 3EG J2021+3716 = 1AGL J2021+3652 (Roberts et al. 2002) Pulsar Wind Nebula PSR J2021.1+3651 No day-scale variability expected 3EG J2016+3657 = B2013+370 (G74.87+1.22) (Halpern et al. 2001) Blazar outside error box MGRO J2019+37 MILAGRO TeV source extended and diffuse IGR J20188+3647 (Sguera et al. 2006) Other
LSI +61°303
GRID Galactic anticenter observation LSI +61°303 GRID Galactic anticenter observation
LSI 61 303 field (all data)
AGILE Counts
Variability of LSI 61 303 E > 100 MeV with 10% systematic error on fluxes χ2 = 33.7832 for 23 degrees of freedom V = 1.1652 Pvar = 0.931641 NB: V < 0.5 nonvariable source 0.5 < V < 1 uncertain V > 1 variable source (McLaughlin et al. 1996)
Easter 2009 transient
Easter transient: 10-13 April 2009, 10143-10180, bin =0 Easter transient: 10-13 April 2009, 10143-10180, bin =0.2, B16, FM, E>100 MeV
Easter transient: 10-13 April 2009, 10143-10180, bin =0 Easter transient: 10-13 April 2009, 10143-10180, bin =0.2, B16, FM, E>100 MeV
Easter transient: 10-13 April 2009, 10143-10180, bin =0.2, B17b, FT E > 100 MeV E > 400 MeV
Conclusions very exciting time for Galactic gamma-ray source studies, AGILE and FERMI first detections by AGILE of Galactic transients no hard X-ray outbursts low flux X-ray sources FAST alerts and follow-up multi-freq. Observations ! Archival long-baseline studies and cross-correlation
Cygnus X-3 15 - 18 April 2008 Giant radio flare of Cygnus X-3 detected by RATAN-600 radio telescope Radio flux increasing of a factor ~103, from ~10 mJy to ~10 Jy S.A.Trushkin et al., ATel #1483 10 Jy is typical flux for plasmoids emission ! In the same period SuperAGILE revealed an X-ray flare
RATAN Obs. (S. Truskhin et al.) Apr. 13 – Apr. 27, 2008