Testing and Calibration at IHEP for eXTP (current plans and needed facilities) YuSa Wang 2017-3-21
Outline X-ray Calibration facility at IHEP 1 Calibration plans for SFA & PFA optics 2 Calibration plans for SFA & PFA detectors 3 Test plans and needed facilities 4
Outline X-ray Calibration facility at IHEP 1 Calibration plans for SFA & PFA optics 2 Calibration plans for SFA & PFA detectors 3 Test plans and needed facilities 4
X-ray Calibration facility at IHEP: 100m X-ray facility The time to achieve work pressure is less than 4 hours, depending on ten 10000L/s cryopumps. X-ray source Pump stations Big vacuum chamber Long tube:φ0.6×100m Big chamber:φ3.4×8m Pressure:5×10-5Pa Contamination:1.0×10-8g/cm2/day
X-ray Calibration facility at IHEP: 100m X-ray facility X-ray source Big vacuum chamber
X-ray Calibration facility at IHEP: 100m X-ray facility X-ray source: Rigaku 9kW Copper target electron impact source, 1-60keV Double Crystal Monochromator: 1-40keV, 1% resolution, with Si111, Si100, KAP100. Crystal Spectrometer: 1% resolution for 1-10keV and 4eV@8keV for copper target.
X-ray Calibration facility at IHEP: 100m X-ray facility 4-D manipulators XY travel range[mm]: 800 Travel repeatability: ± 5um Travel range[°]: 360° Repeatability:±5″ Pitch travel range[°]: ±20° Repeatability:±10″ Load: 200kg 3-D manipulators XY travel range[mm]: 800 Travel repeatability: ± 5um Travel range[°]: 360° Repeatability:±10″ Load: 300kg 4-D 3-D
X-ray Calibration facility at IHEP: 100m X-ray facility SDD: 1-15keV,125eV@5.9keV CdTe: 3-250keV,1.5keV@122keV X-ray camera:1-15keV;2048×2048,for PSF or beam shape investigation HPGe: 3-200keV, 140eV@5.9keV, 550eV@122keV, for QE calibration(3-60keV). SDD CdTe X-ray camera HPGe
X-ray Calibration facility at IHEP: 100m X-ray facility The SDD, CdTe, X-ray camera and thermal control unit will be placed on the top of 3-D manipulators. The X-ray optics, electric box and thermal control unit will be placed on the top of 4-D manipulators. Camera Platform Telescope Platform
This 100m X-ray facility is for the calibration of X-ray optics, including SFA and PFA. There is another 8m x-ray test facility in IHEP, which can meet the testing requirements of x-ray detectors, electronic boxes, including SPF and PFA.
X-ray Calibration facility at IHEP: 8m X-ray facility X-ray energy: 1-30keV Area: φ0.1m Count: ~100mm2/s Long tube:φ0.1×8m Vacuum chamber:φ2×2m Pressure:5×10-5Pa Contamination:1.0×10-8g/cm2/day
Outline X-ray Calibration facility at IHEP 1 Calibration plans for SFA & PFA optics 2 Calibration plans for SFA & PFA detectors 3 Test plans and needed facilities 4
Calibration layout of SFA and PFA optics in 100m facility The 13 optics of SFA and PFA could be calibrated one by one, checking the profiles of optics and achieving the PSF. The 4-D stage can adjust the direction and position of the optics quickly to the X-ray beam(φ=550mm). Around the focus, the standard spectroscopic detectors and X-ray camera can collect focused X-ray photon. 4-D stage + optics 3-D stage + Standard detectors
Calibration content of SFA and PFA optics in 100m facility Calibration of the simple telescopes with several shells Effective area at Cu-K and Al-K, reflectivity and mirror profile PSF at Cu-K and Al-K, HEW, focal length Field of view(FOV) , alignment Calibration of the 13 telescopes of SFA and PFA in 100m facility Effective area (0.5-12keV, all shells) PSF(0.5-12keV, all shells) FOV and the focal length The portion of scattering x-ray
Calibration schedule of 13 telescopes in 100m facility
Outline X-ray Calibration facility at IHEP 1 Calibration plans for SFA & PFA optics 2 Calibration plans for SFA & PFA detectors 3 Test plans and needed facilities 4
Calibration layout of SFA detectors in 100m facility The 9 detectors of SFA could be calibrated together for achieving the ARF and QE like the calibration of HXMT. Before this calibration the standard detectors need to be calibrated. 4-D stage + detectors 3-D stage + Standard detectors
Calibration content of SFA SDDs in 8m and 100m facilities Calibration of the SDD sample in 8m facility Energy response (0.5-12keV) and low energy threshold Energy resolution and time resolution Pile-up and split events between multi-pixels Calibration of the 11 SDD FM modules in 8m and 100m facility Energy response (0.5-12keV) and low energy threshold Energy resolution and time resolution Pile-up and split events between multi-pixels QE and the absorption of filters
Calibration schedule of 11 SDDs in 8m facilities
Outline X-ray Calibration facility at IHEP 1 Calibration plans for SFA & PFA optics 2 Calibration plans for SFA & PFA detectors 3 Test plans and needed facilities 4
Test plan and needed facilities Planed test for X-ray optics and detectors: Thermal cycle, thermal balance Quick check of telescopes before and after vibration Quick check of telescopes before and after thermal cycle Needed facilities for the above test: LN2 background and shroud for thermal cycle and balance If possible, a UV parallel beam can achieve a quick check before and after vibration and thermal cycle A polarized x-ray source is needed for GPD For test and calibration (E<1keV), new crystal is needed If the weight of one telescope is more than 150kg, a larger circle segment (Tip-tilt) is needed. If possible, we can increase the power of X-ray tube to save time.
Thank you!