The law of the jungle What do these statements mean? LO: To understand how Steinbeck shows the harshness of life on the ranch. What do these statements mean? How do they relate to America in the 1930’s? ...Or to the UK today?
Which of these could apply to Lennie? The law of the jungle Which of these could apply to Lennie? Vulnerability Danger Amorality Foreboding Violence How are the themes of vulnerability and violence shown in the choice of the title alone?
Candy We are made to feel sorry for Candy later on in the novel. But how does Steinbeck introduce this character? Vulnerability Danger Amorality Foreboding Violence
Chapter 2: Meeting the cast LO: To consider how Steinbeck’s characters reflect the amoral landscape of 1930’s America (EXT: and perhaps reflect the discrimination present today?) FACT: disability hate crimes have increased in the past four years by 147 per cent. How could modern day readers link this to the description of the attack on Crooks?
Homework (due Friday) Revision notes on Curley – see board
The Boss “Say – what you sellin’?” “Well, I never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy. I just like to know what your interest is.” Vulnerability Danger Amorality Foreboding Violence
Curley ...he wore high-heeled boots He glanced coldly “He stiffened and went into a slight crouch” “calculating and pugnacious” “gingerly close” “lashed” “stared levelly” Vulnerability Danger Amorality Foreboding Violence
Curley’s wife Immoral? Or vulnerable? Predator or prey? Vulnerability Girl Heavily made-up Her fingernails were red. Her voice had a nasal-brittle quality. Her body was thrown forward. Bridled Playfully Archly Twitched Apprehensive Hurried Immoral? Or vulnerable? Predator or prey? Vulnerability Danger Amorality Foreboding Violence
Carlson “I been thinkin’. That dog of Candy’s is so God damn old he can’t hardly walk... Why’n’t you get Candy to shoot his old dog...?” Vulnerability Danger Amorality Foreboding Violence
Lennie “I don’t like this place George. This ain’t no good place. I wanna get outta here.” Vulnerability Danger Amorality Foreboding Violence
Mini-assessment It will be on a character (not G or L) You will need to refer to context in some way (historical or modern – i.e. how it links to today’s readers). The focus is on you making a thoughtful response. Selecting relevant quotations, Explaining why Steinbeck used the language in the quote you have selected – how does it really tell us about the character? You will probably want to make a link to the themes we’ve been discussing: violence, vulnerability, foreboding/foreshadowing (the sense that something bad is going to happen), amorality, predator/prey – law of the jungle.
Mini assessment (20 mins) How does Steinbeck portray Curley’s wife in chapter 2? (29, 32-33) Note – you can refer to the way other characters talk/respond to her, as well as the way she is described. Vulnerability Danger Amorality Foreboding Violence