Year 3 Overview 2014-15 Teacher: Miss Browning Teaching assistant: Mrs Parr
What’s New This Year? New Curriculum PE on Wednesdays and Thursdays Specialist Teacher for PE on Wednesdays (Autumn Term – Net and wall) Computing- specialist teacher every 6 weeks Good work assembly- now on a Friday morning
Reading Guided Reading at least once a week Reading activities/comprehension tasks Children can change their library books on a Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime. Please ensure that your child reads regularly at home.
Curriculum in Y3 RE: Come and See (see termly newsletter) Literacy Numeracy Science (1st topic is Humans: Health and nutrition) History (1st topic is The Romans) Geography (1st topic is Europe – after half term) PE (Net and Wall/Striking and fielding) Music (Listening and vocal skills)
Writing Genres for Autumn 1: Fables Diaries
Maths Examples of new skills for Year Three: Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables. Read time from an analogue clock (including Roman numerals) and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks. Identifying horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular (lines meeting at a right angle) and parallel lines. New written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Please ensure that your child knows their times tables to enable them to become efficient Mathematicians.
RE & Collective Worship RE (Come and See) During the year the children will be given the opportunity to plan and then lead Collective Worship to Key Stage 2
Targets & Assessment Individual target sheets for Reading, Writing, Maths and RE, personalised to your child’s needs. Ongoing assessment throughout the year. Optional SATs (June)
Ways to help at home Encourage the use of a range of reading materials – newspaper, magazines, information leaflets, join the local library, use our library. Ensure homework is completed and returned. Encourage daily reading and discussion of book content. Ensure your child learns their weekly spellings and the associated spelling rules. Encourage revision and recall of previous spelling patterns. Help to learn all multiplication tables – 2 to 12 so that they can quickly recall these facts. Encourage the understanding of money, time and temperature.
Need to speak to me? Open door policy – feel free to make an appointment in the office if necessary! I’m looking forward to a year of working hard and having lots of fun along the way!