Writing an effective abstract for your poster . . .
Abstracts Slides will focus on general constructs relevant to developing an abstract for submission: to a professional meeting when there is a “call for papers”or for a journal article or for your virtual poster session for this class.
What does an abstract do? Gives brief summary of project in complete sentences (unless otherwise specified). Provides full message within abstract. Abbreviations defined within. Usually does not use references but can. Marketing tool to entice reader to examine your poster. It is succinct---you can’t tell all!
What does an abstract do? Hits key points purpose or goal (introduction/objective), what was done and how (methods), what was found (results), what was concluded (conclusion) what is recommended (conclusion/implications)
How do you start writing your abstract? Look at the guidelines. Use required headings. Fill in information under each heading. Work on getting ideas down first Write short points to include first; others prefer writing complete sentences first. Don’t worry about length initially Can “cut” and edit after you have draft
After you have complete draft . . . Read it . . . Do you have THE main points? Do you tell the story? Check instructions, spelling, grammar; do a word count. Make sure abbreviations defined in abstract. Abstract needs to be informative in the contained abstract. Get a “2nd opinion” on content, message, readability, etc.
Are you ready to write your abstract? Did you read the assigned articles for this week? Brindon & Davenport; Binham & O’Neill? Did you read the guidelines for the assignment? Those will help you in writing a good abstract.