TODOS Los Pronombres Español III
Direct Object Pronouns me nos te os lo los la las
Direct Object Pronouns Refers to the person or thing that receives the action of the verb. They have the SAME gender (masculine / feminine) and number (singular / plural) as the nouns they REPLACE.
Direct Object Pronouns Ej: -¿Devolviste los libros a la biblioteca? - No, no los devolví. - ¿Ayudaste a tu mamá en casa? - Sí, la ayudé todo el día.
Direct Object Pronouns When an infinitive follows a verb, the D.O.P. can be placed before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive, gerund or affirmative command. Ej: - ¿Sacaste el libro sobre Simón Bolívar? - No, no lo pude sacar. ~ O ~ - No, no pude sacarlo.
Indirect Object Pronouns = to or for me = to or for us = to or for you = to or for you all = to or for him, = to or for them, her, you you all me nos te os les le
Indirect Object Pronouns Tells to whom or for whom an action is performed. IOPs are used to replace or accompany an indirect object noun. le and les have more than one meaning, you can make the meaning clear by adding a + name, noun, or pronoun
Indirect Object Pronouns Ej: Rosita siempre les decía la verdad a sus padres. Rosita siempre le decía la verdad a su mejor amiga.
Indirect Object Pronouns IOPs are placed before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive, gerund or affirmative command. Ej: Siempre le quería comprar dulces a su hija. Siempre quería comprarle dulces a su hija.
Indirect Object Pronouns Common verbs that use IOPs aburrir = to bore importar = to matter alegrar = to make happy interesar = to interest doler = to ache molestar = to bother enojar = to get mad parecer = to seem encantar = to love quedar = to fit fascinar = to fascinate sorprender = to surprise gustar = to like
Double – object Pronouns When a direct object and an indirect object pronoun are used together, the indirect object pronoun ALWAYS comes before the direct object pronoun. Ej: ¿Me prestas tu libro? Sí, te lo presto. IOP DOP
Double – object Pronouns The verb and the two pronouns form an unbreakable unit. Negative words and adverbs must come before or after this unit. Ej: ¿Pasteles? No me los compras nunca. neg. IOP DOP adverb word
Double – object Pronouns Se replaces le and les before the direct object pronouns lo, la, los, and las. Ej: Mamá necesita las llaves del carro. ¿Se las das? = Will you give them to her?
Double – object Pronouns Pronouns come immediately before a conjugated verb or are attached to an infinitive, gerund or affirmative command. Ej: infinitive… Marta necesita los apuntes de español. Se los voy a dar esta noche. add your accent Voy a dárselos esta noche. Hint: The accent is placed on the vowel of the –ar, -er, -ir ending of the infinitive.
Double – object Pronouns Ej: gerund… Se los estoy copiando ahora. add your accent Estoy copiándoselos ahora. (I’m copying them for her.) Hint: The accent is usually placed by counting back two vowels from the first pronoun.
Double – object pronouns Pronouns also come before the verb in a negative command. We’ll come back to that lesson. That’s for another day.
Double – object Pronouns website/tutor/2opbegin.html