Georgia Fire Inspector’s Association Training and business meeting March 24th, 2017
Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance
Please welcome, Craig Volkert, our presenter for this session. Sponsored by GAFSED.
Take a 10 minute break so that we may set up for our business meeting. Please show thanks to, Craig Volkert. Take a 10 minute break so that we may set up for our business meeting. Sponsored by GAFSED.
Business Meeting The GFIA welcomes all in attendance today. We would like to recognize any first time participants and any first time attendees. Thank you. New Members. Please introduce yourself to the membership. We would like to recognize all other Associations in attendance. Thank you to all guests that are attending.
GAFSED and its Partners Recognition GAFSED and its Partners Please thank the Board and Members of GAFSED for providing the training and facility.
Board Member Membership List and Dues Tracking Update Brian Stute, Fire Inspector Sandy Springs 470-388-2158 Board Member Membership List and Dues Tracking Update An email will be sent to verify member information. If your department pays for your membership, send me an email giving your name & department. If you know someone that would like to join, send me an email and I will extend an invitation. District 4 Representative needed. Membership Input
Board Member Training Membership Input May 18th, 2017 Willie Johnson, Fire Inspector Macon Bibb Fire Department 478-751-9180 Board Member Training May 18th, 2017 Fire Safety Symposium – June 19th-23rd Lavon Cooper will provide more information during Past President report. Membership Input If you have any instructors or classes you have visited and would like them presented here, please let us know.
Treasurer Financial Summary Membership Dues Membership Input Dawn Taylor State Fire Marshal’s Office 404-656-0697 Treasurer Financial Summary Membership Dues $25 per year $60 for 3 years Membership Input
Secretary Minutes from November meeting Minutes from January meeting Danny Wallace, Fire Inspector Tifton/Tift County Fire Department 229-445-5837 Secretary Minutes from November meeting Membership input. Motion for acceptance of November meeting minutes. Minutes from January meeting Motion for acceptance of January meeting minutes. Minutes posted to website for future reference.
Secretary Membership Website Membership Input Danny Wallace, Fire Inspector Tifton/Tift County Fire Department 229-445-5837 Secretary Membership Website Membership Input
Secretary Social Media Facebook Group Danny Wallace, Fire Inspector Tifton/Tift County Fire Department 229-445-5837 Secretary Social Media Facebook Group Facebook Group Members - 90 Going to stop reporting on the Facebook Group. Google+ does not allow tracking of views any longer. Membership Input
Vice President Membership Input Golf Tournament Craig Landolt, Fire Marshal State Fire Marshal’s Office 470-270-6499 Vice President Golf Tournament Membership Input
President Membership List and Dues Tracking Stephen Bush, CFPS Ethica 478-951-2034 President Membership List and Dues Tracking Treasurer’s Assistant Position Fire Sprinkler Advisory Council Meeting Update GA Association of Fire Chiefs Annual Conference Two-Year Goals and Objectives Continue to Provide Outstanding Training GFIA District Development Attain ICC Chapter Status Membership Input
Past President 2017 Georgia Fire Safety Symposium June 19 – 23, 2017 Lavon Cooper, Fire Marshal State Fire Marshal’s Office 470-270-6497 Past President 2017 Georgia Fire Safety Symposium June 19 – 23, 2017 Volunteers needed to facilitate training courses. See Lavon Cooper or Willie Johnson Membership Input
Committee Reports Any additional committees.
Association Reports Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs Georgia Public Safety Educators Association Georgia Fire Investigators Association Other Associations
Old Business Shirt Orders Shirt orders will be moved to the website. Will be able to order anytime. Shipping will apply to orders. Proceeds will still benefit the Association. Surplus Shirts will be brought to future meetings and FSS to be sold at reduced rates, first come, first served. Membership Input
Future GFIA Meeting Dates May 18th, 2017 June 19th – 23rd Fire & Life Safety Symposium July 20th, 2017 September 21st, 2017 November 16th, 2017
New Business For the Good of the Membership Call for any additional business/Items to be presented to the Membership for discussion and or action. Motion to Adjourn / Second / Vote THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION
Thank you, GAFSED, for having us. Sponsored by GAFSED.