Tundra Quinn and Nate
Climate Temperature Yearly precipitation(including melting snow) Soil Average winter temperature -34° C (-30° F), Average summer temperature 3-12° C (37-54° F) Yearly precipitation(including melting snow) 15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 inches) 2nd Driest Biome Soil Slowly formed Permafrost A layer of permanently frozen subsoil Bogs and ponds may form
Vegatation Low shrubs Sedges Reindeer mosses Liverworts Grasses NO TREES
Seasonal Changes Winter season is long and severe A short, mild season exists Not a true summer Sun Summer- Up for nearly 24 hrs. Winter- Up for only a couple hours
Limiting Factors Water Temperature Wind (up to 100 mph) Sunlight
Animal Adaptation Breed/Raise Young quickly Additional insulation Due to short summer months Additional insulation Fat Fur Hibernation/Migration Low food supply in winter Fur changes color with season Early sexual maturity
Animals Arctic Fox Ermine Caribou Grizzly Bear
Animals cont. Harlequin duck Musk Ox Polar Bear Snowy Owl
Plant Adaptations Shallow Roots Short Permafrost Short Protection from wind Carry out photosynthesis in low Light/Temp Waxy Leaves Flower Quickly
Plants Arctic Moss Arctic Willow Bearberry Caribou Moss
Plants cont. Diamond-Leaf Willow Labrador Tea Pasque Flower Tufted Saxifrage
Food Web
Changes Increase in amount of shrubs Increase in area of wetlands Increase in temperature
Human Effects Oil spills Erosion Destruction of delicate plant life Permafrost melting
Conservation Gravel Roads (7 ft. deep) Strict Regulations on oil companies Limitation of heavy vehicles Protections organizations