Why are health bodies vital for dance! Nutrition Cross-Training Stress management Weight Management Substance abuse Eating Disorders
Eating right to stay fit Smart eating habits are a necessary component of peak performance. eat a variety of foods, know your calories intake and expenditure, stay within recommended serving of food groups, make good choices when eating out, stay hydrated, prepare foods in safe clean way.
In your dance note book create a dos and don’ts of healthy eating 1 2 3 4 5 Don’t 1 2 3 4 5
Add any if you missed them… Do’s Drink plenty of water Eat breakfast Stay with in the recommend calorie intake for your height and weight Exercise Cross train Eat 6 small meals through out the day Don’t Starve yourself Gain or loss weight rapidly Over exercise Eat excessive amounts of food Eat just one food group
Lifestyle Factors that influence food intake Insufficient sleep affects hormones that govern appetite and feeling of satiety. Environment and eating habits can affect your entire relationship with food. (mindless eating) The size of your plate or bowl and glass affect your eating. Store food appropriately is portion controlled sizes Eat at the kitchen table not in front of the TV You consume about 35 percent more food at a restaurant than at home.
Take a look at your food journal. Compare what you ate with the recommend levels. Compare and contrast your data.
Additional resources http://www.choosemyplate.gov/physical-activity/calories-burn.html http://health.groups.yahoo.com www.apta.com www.iadms.org
10 tips for managing your weight 1. Aim for no more than one-half to two pounds of weight loss per week, or no more than one-half pound of weight gain per week. 2. Start off the day with breakfast and refuel every four hours to curb your hunger 3. Preplate your food so that you get a better visual sense of how much you are eating 4. Eat a the kitchen table 5. Shop for food at the grocery store when your are full 6. At restaurants order a main course and two out of the following three, drink, appetizer, dessert. 7. Don’t talk and eat at the same time when dinning out with others 8. At buffets, choose two of your favorite foods rather than many selections. 9. Get a least eight hours of sleep at night to balance the hormones that regulate appetite 10. Never eat less than your basal metabolic rate approximate rang: 1,200 to 15,000 calories)
Why are health bodies vital for dance! In a reflection answer the essential question and include your experience in keeping a food journal. How does the way your fuel your body influence dance? How can you improve your eating habits. Does diet affect your performance in class? What did you learn from this unit?
Day one Students will Draw a dancer and describe the dancer Watch Bill T Jones D Man and the River and discuss the dancers body styles compared to the idea of their dancer Dance a class focusing on how the body moves and feeling in class. Warm-up, center, across the floor. Introduce nutrition as the fuel for dance. Read article Homework two dance survey of food
Day two Go over power point based on The Dancer’s Way Complete the dos and don’ts of healthy bodies Warm-up, center combination, across the floor Compare their food journal with recommended guild lines Visit several websites to aid in health dance bodies Write a reflection of students experience being aware of food intake and how it relates to their physical, emotional, and mental health