Portrait of Americans
Where do Americans live? The United States DUH!
Urban Areas Long Beach, CA
Rural Areas
The Desert Arizona
Cold Climates
American on the Move What are some reasons why Americans have moved and settled all over this country?
Working America What types of work (jobs) do we do? Service Jobs- Provide a service for people
Where did Americans come from? America is known for the DIVERSITY of its people. What does this mean?
America is called a nation of immigrants. What is an immigrant?
Different types of Americans? European Americans- these are Americans with European ancestry. African Americans Hispanic Americans Asian Americans Native Americans
How have all these different cultures influenced America?
American Values and Beliefs If America is made up of so many different people then what unites us? Beliefs- certain things we trust to be true Values- standards of behavior
Three values that we take very seriously in this country? Equality- everyone has the same rights and opportunities Freedom- doing what we want to a point Justice- fairness
Is every one treated with the same justice and equality? NO WAY!!!! What types of attitudes keep this from happening?